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This client is a carrier. A lot of people refuse to work that unit because of that and chose termination but I need the pay and benefits
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jtstar that is awsome!!! luving it!!!

and dan, be carful!!! i know its easier said than done but dang!!!!
Dan, my wife works with a lot of people like that and many other diseases and mentally challenged people. Thats why she is so screwed up as one of them did a number on her and screwed up her neck and back. One time while transporting a patient the person had an episode on the highway and she had to stop the car on I-84 get out of the car and lock the person in there. It was a brand new state car and the patient totalled the c ar from the inside of the car out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sh I do mean totalled as the insurance wouldnt fix the car and instead replaced it!
I'm about to have a big glass of wine. I think I deserve one after work today...
Dan, my wife works with a lot of people like that and many other diseases and mentally challenged people. Thats why she is so screwed up as one of them did a number on her and screwed up her neck and back. One time while transporting a patient the person had an episode on the highway and she had to stop the car on I-84 get out of the car and lock the person in there. It was a brand new state car and the patient totalled the c ar from the inside of the car out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sh I do mean totalled as the insurance wouldnt fix the car and instead replaced it!

I wish they would give us an emergency Ativan to administer when they get like that.
Yeah. Certainly. Just as long as we don't disclose names, ages, social security numbers directly identifiable information etc, we're good.
^^^yup yup^^^^ hippa can be a PITA at times but as long as u leave private info out u can talk about what happens...i talk to hubby about my days all the time but dont tell him the who part LOL!
Yes it does take a few year before you can harvest any grapes this will be the second summer for my vineyard next year I could get a few grape but the year after will be a lot better I will not let them produce any grapes this year I want all their energy in producing the vine. these row have fourteen vine in each row and on the left hand side I will put in two more rows then I will put the rest of my vines in a pasture to the west of my house. I will have eight different varieties when my cuttings are planted.
Wade I am not sure I want to pump water out of that pond it is the town sewer but if I knew it wouldn't hurt my wine I had the same ideal
YIKES Dan, I may have a couple extra glasses on your behalf. You are a braver mn than me. Thats scary sheet!!

But God love you for having the courage to work in that situation!!
Anyone who uses bad language in here will be their mouth washed out with NIKKIS soap!!
At least you will be minty fresh!!!
I salute you Dan you have a lot more to deal with then I, I just work in a packing house as a supervisor my hats off to you
The heck with Nikki's soap, we'll uses jtstars pond water instead! Sewer water really?
DANG might be on the list !! Sewer water or Nikkis soap? You were warned and you still defied the rules!! LMAO!

Open up! LOL:sm
gaurentee my soap'll taste better than sewer water **YECK** i know it smells better!!!

DNW looked at my stack of wrapped soap and shook his head.....evidently i made WAY to much......it is 4 pounds of soap afterall LMAO!! i used it tonight and it passes the great lather and no chemicle burn test so im VERY happy!
NIKKI, a good night in here and al the bad language, you could be quite rich before you KNOW it. LOL
After the advice here, I wanted to restart fermentation on that Zin that was stuck. I wanted to use Premier Cuvee since I'm out of 1118 and they're the same. I just so happened to have a batch of Apple Cider Wine started up in a primary with Premier Cuvee that had been actively fermenting like freaking crazy overnight and all day today! So what i did was pour a little (a couple tablespoons perhaps) of the Zin into the Apple Cider, then drew a couple tablespoons of the actively fermenting Apple Cider and put it in the Zin. I'm thinking that is about as good of a starter as I can come across, and it was readily available.