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That sounds like a daddy to do list is that anything like a honey to do list ?

Sure is. And neither list is ever quite finished.
I know what you mean even though my daughter lives in Tennessee my wife makes up for it.
Happy belated 4th! Just got back from our first no kids vacation since my oldest was born almost 8 years ago. It was strange to be able to talk to my wife for 1/2hr without some little people interrupting.
We went to San Juan for our friends 10yr anniversary vow renewal.
This week my brother in law is in town from Arizona.
I racked my Tropical Breeze wine tonight and bottled my Belgian White beer.
Another empty carboy! Haha the wife will eventually kill me of give in. ::
going on silent rdtreat at Manrisa House Of Retreats on the mississippi south of Baton Rouge. This is my tenth year to attend.
I just got home and checked on my peach wine. While I didn't see much action going on last night it has gone CRAZY today with fermentation. I have added an album to my Facebook page for my friends to follow in pictures of it's progress. http://www.facebook.com/rick.carpentersr
Hot here in Cincy too and I was working on a copper roof all day in the sun! :sh

Are you sure you werent on a hot tin roof? LOL That must blow. Im stuck in a building wit a lot of machines running all day and about 4 fans over the length of the building which is about 325' long but only about 18' or 20' wide.

Went to go see Transformers 3 in 3D last night. First hour was actually enjoyable (plot and dialogue!), next 90 minutes was pure pain and suffering.

No dialogue and nothing but explosions and robots trying over and over to kill each other somehow. I think it was made for 10yr old boys with ADD. 3D was just OK not as good as Avatar.

I have to admit I am pretty tired of 3D already. We have a small 4 screen theater which added 3D last year but now we don't have the option of 2D anymore on most movies. I didn't go see Pirates 4 as they only had it in 3D and there was only like 6 fight scenes that it actually made any sense so will wait for it on BD.

Bottom line IMHO its only for certain movies and its certainly not worth paying $3 extra a ticket. :tz
Are you sure you werent on a hot tin roof? LOL That must blow. Im stuck in a building wit a lot of machines running all day and about 4 fans over the length of the building which is about 325' long but only about 18' or 20' wide.

I did have one of those high volume blowers they use to dry out carpet blowing on me while I was soldering. It made a world of difference.
It was hot here too but my grandaughter and I know what to do about that.

We just bought one of the 12 ft round pools with the mini filters on Monday after our Husky decided to eat the other one. My 4 y/o and I have been in the pool every day. Need to get a raft with a cup holder now.
Going to fire up the grill here shortly and grill some boneless porkchops. I have them marinating in a blackberry chipolte sauce. That will be served with carrots and not sure what else. After that hopefully I'll be heading out to pick up some carboys.

Whoo Hoo. Looking forward to the weekend.
Going to fire up the grill here shortly and grill some boneless porkchops. I have them marinating in a blackberry chipolte sauce. That will be served with carrots and not sure what else. After that hopefully I'll be heading out to pick up some carboys.

Whoo Hoo. Looking forward to the weekend.

Damn-wonder why I just got so hungry? :D
Larry that little pool really looked relaxing. Doug are you bar b cuing to celebrate the deal you got on the carboys 7/$100. Nice buy!

I'll do that with some filet mignots. We cook out probably 4-5 times a week in the summer. That was a deal and I now need to make more room in the basement. Once Joshua gets home from SC in 3 weeks, I think a dump run will be in order. I need to get clean bottles that are sitting in totes organized and into empty cases and just generally organize the basement better. That's a weekend project for dreary weather.
Just got back from picking up my 7 new (used) carboys. I have them soaking in easy clean since I'm out of OxyClean. Later I'll take the brush to them and then the spray wand. Now to find a place for them down stairs. Looks like the Chilean wine will be bulk aging a little linger than planned this year... Yippee.

I think it's time to get the bike out and go check on the elderberry plants. I'm thinking they should be getting ripe or at least starting. Plan on starting picking next week or the week after probably.