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Well since I haven't been around a much because of no time with the new job... (but I am loving it) I have been quite busy but the best thing is we went up to Lake George NY last week for Americade. That has to be the best place in the world to ride. I enjoy it every year.. Of course my family still lives there so that makes it exta special.. I also ordered my choc rasberry port yesterday.. can't wait. I tried it at one of our wine club meeting and it was awesome.. Looking forward to making my own..:dg
.. I also ordered my choc rasberry port yesterday.. can't wait. I tried it at one of our wine club meeting and it was awesome.. Looking forward to making my own..:dg

Brian, I didn't think that was available until in the fall. Did you order online? That is a WE kit right?
Later this week I am going to take my wife up to Arlington (between Dallas and Ft Worth) for a sewing convention. So either Thursday or Friday I am making my first pilgrimage to FVW. I have saved up a few buck$ and emailed
George to make sure I go on a day he will be there. And my wife thinks I am doing this huge sacrifice driving her the 300 miles to her convention. Life is good!
We voluntered our baby sitting services today so my son and DIL could get some time out together. It didn't work out as planned because Ken was on call and had to go in to the hospital. So Naghmeh dropped Maya off around 1130AM and went out for some time by herself. Then they both showed up around 4PM or so and we enjoyed hamburgers and Italian sausage along with Itsuko's potato salad and some corn on the cob. And we had a nice mixed berry swirl cheesecake for desert. Ken and I tossed the football back and forth like we did when he was young. Just a great Father's day.
Brian, have you read up on the making of this kit? It is probably the most troublesome kit to make and actually finish fermenting but either way its an awesome tasting wine kit. I have a 3 gallon batch that needs bottling as we speak. Id search and read up the threads or posts before starting it if you havent yet.
Stopped at Premier Produce on the way into work and picked up 300 corks and an new glass 5 gallon carboy. I'll pick up 2 more before fall and I should be good for allowing stuff to bulk age a little longer.
Working Blah! Everyone is out of the office this week on vacation so just here by myself not getting a damn thing done!

Well i did find a parts supply that has a new idler pulley for my swisher mower! and got to go through my email and clean all that crap up. I should have my carboys here heck i could've got a ton of wine bottled today. Wonder if anyone would notice if i closed for a couple days this week?

Maybe i should at least clean my office........ ha yeah right!
Got the lawn cut before the rain arrives here and sticks around for the rest of the week. Then I roasted 6 lbs of green coffee beans on my grill. 3 lbs of Tanzania Ruvuma AA and 3 lbs of Nicaraugua FT. They came out looking pretty good.
We visit Tonawanda yearly!! Headed that way in Aug. Do you always roast your own coffee? I know a guy that used a hot air popper to do it. He says it's the most consistent way. I don't drink coffee... but love the smell!!

Just bought my wife a Nook Color. I finished setting up the Wifi tether so she can take it with her to the National ALA conference in New Orleans this week. She loves it!!!
Just bought my wife a Nook Color. I finished setting up the Wifi tether so she can take it with her to the National ALA conference in New Orleans this week. She loves it!!!

Ok I have to admit I had no idea what a Nook Color was and thought you ment some kind of cooler until you said she could take it with her. So I did a search on Amazon. WOW, she is going to love it. My wife has the Kindle and reads it everyday. Way to go!!!
Ok I have to admit I had no idea what a Nook Color was and thought you ment some kind of cooler until you said she could take it with her. So I did a search on Amazon. WOW, she is going to love it. My wife has the Kindle and reads it everyday. Way to go!!!

Yeah she's a Librarian so I could not think of a better gift!
My wife and I both have Kindles and love em! They make reading much easier and convenient.
We visit Tonawanda yearly!! Headed that way in Aug. Do you always roast your own coffee? I know a guy that used a hot air popper to do it. He says it's the most consistent way. I don't drink coffee... but love the smell!!


I started roasting a couple years ago a couple of different ways but I didn't like the small quantities that I ended up with. Right now a 5 lb drum on a rottiserie with a souped up motor on the grill has been working out ok. I like being able to try different kinds of beans and see what is good out there.


Roasting on the grill.jpg
Pretty cool. I don't drink coffee but wud love to roast some beans ! May try the air popper method, sounds like somthing I can do, but gonna have to look into it!
Fisrt day of summer, and I get to work! I really should be out on a Kayak today.
We got a new family member yesterday ....like I have time for it LOL...he is a sweet kitten who just would not leave us alone when we went to visit and play. We do that every time we go to PetsMart, and this is the first time one has come home with us LOL!!!! He is a little Grey kitty who is now named Andouille, or Dewey for short!
celebrating Jaws' 36th birthday today and drinking Modelo!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE!!!!!! *the name they gave the mechanical shark while on set*