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Finally bottled my first batch of blackberry from this year. I have to admit that I like it and can't wait till next year to see how time does it.
I had about a 3/4 bottle left over from bottling, so of course you know what happens to it....
Yep, sampled it all by myself.
Ouch, that one hurt.... Probably not as bad as Nikki is hurting today though. Have another and you'll feel better...:b

oh no...today is a WATER ONLY day...i was NOT a responsible drunk..im done with the deck , were outta freaking wood...ive submited all class work for the week..im gonna go curl up in my corner please do not disturb......
Just got back from my Wine Club Pool Party. Tasted a very nice mulberry wine and a Raspberry tea wine.
Yep only difference is less clothes and plastic wine glasses. LOL
Today after a nice long ride (60 miles) and a visit to see my MIL in the hospital, my neices called to see if we wanted to come up and go swimming at the pool they life guard at. We did. It was a very pleasant afternoon. Tonight we had a community service (fire, police, council, public works, pool staff, you get the picture) pool party/picnic. It was a very nice evening.

Now I'm sitting here enjoying a glass of Black Berry Cabernet anf getting ready to turn in for the evening.
What is boiled icing

First off it's delicious . You boil brown sugar and water until it becomes stringy then you take it off the stove and add vanilla flavour then add that to egg whites you have whipped and made nice & fluffy . Beat a couple minutes then you have the best icing ever invented .

We had a great day at Spencer's Island yesterday .while we were there we found out threstaraunt we wanted to buy there has come down $47,000 in price because it's not listed with and agent anymore . Now if I could talk my FIL into investing with us and giving us the down payment . I just felt so at home and relaxed there .The best part in the living area upstairs there's room to make wine :D . Youngest son said we should sell the house and move out there but then I don't know what I would do in the winter .
oooh, darlene, your recipe is different, but i bet the brown sugar makes it awesome...all this talk makes me want a mississippi mud cake...
Going to pick up 5 five gallon carboys. Even at $100 for the lot, it's cheaper than having them shipped.
ate supper, then headed for the pool, now sitting on the deck, cruising the net and drinking DAN'S LAST BOTTLE OF SKEETER PEE. I'm going to have to crack into mine now that I have drank all of his that he left here. :slp
ate supper, then headed for the pool, now sitting on the deck, cruising the net and drinking DAN'S LAST BOTTLE OF SKEETER PEE. I'm going to have to crack into mine now that I have drank all of his that he left here. :slp

I will give you more Saturday. I have found the ultimate mix for it now. I made a cranberry last year for blending and purposly left it tart. The cranberry and skeeter pee mixed 50/50 are awesome. I'll have it out for you!
I will give you more Saturday. I have found the ultimate mix for it now. I made a cranberry last year for blending and purposly left it tart. The cranberry and skeeter pee mixed 50/50 are awesome. I'll have it out for you!

:db :db Yeah baby!
:db :db Yeah baby!

When Walkers open back up, Cranberry is on my list for at least 6 gallon for blending purposes. When it is finished I will do a skeeter pee, blend the two and bottle. Can't wait till September as that is just one of a bunch I want to get from them. Anyone ever try Diamond wine? I tried a diamond/niagara that was pretty good.
I have had diamond before, I had it as a sweet wine and it is really good. If they have a diamond I'm putting that on my list.
Had dinner at mom's house. Chris is leaving for the Navy tomorrow. Chris is my youngest brother's friend and our "adopted" brother that's been living with my family for a few years.
So I got home and built an iso for an ubuntu install and turned a thumbdrive into a bootable installation disk. I'm teaching my seniors at the day program how to put a machine together. Most of the clients there have physical disabilites and are of a sound mind, it's a big difference than what I do on the weekend.
I didnt know Walkers was closd and just waiting for them to reply back with when they will have more Rhubarb! I will grab 1 of those and probably one other and have them shipped here.

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