Sulfite mistake?

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I bought 12 gallons of two varieties of grape juice this past weekend from a vinyard a couple of hours from me. I thought I'd read on their website that they sulfite their
juice so you shouldn't add any before fermenting. I looked for it
this weekend before I started to be sure but I couldn't find it anywhere. I've been
reading and reading everthing I can get my hands on so I figured I'd
read it at a different website. I crushed and disolved 6 campdens and added it to each 6 gallon batch!

I just found that warning on their website. I'm sick!

Both primaries are fermenting away. Have I screwed them up? Can I compensate by skipping the k-meta addition when I rack the first time?

Oh boy, I do not have your answer, but the pain. I hope everything will
be alright. You probably read my post last week about my k-meta od
because of not reading and understanding the directions thoroughl and
not asking "the question".
Yes, I did read about your problem, Wade. That's one of the reasons why I posted. Did yours ferment?
Beat the snot out of it joan, about 3-4 times a day for 2 days. Make a good yeast starter and add that to your must. I think you will be fine.
The yeast is working vigorously though and has been since 12 hrs or so after I pitched it. Should I still stir and be worried?
If it is fermenting ok then I would just let it continue. Do you know what the level of sulfite they added to the juice?

You certainly can compensate for future additions if you know what they added. Don't worry since the level is certainly not high enough to prevent the start of fermentation.
Thanks, Masta!! I don't know much they added but I will find out.
Joan, what varieties did you get ? Was it a local vineyard or a mailorder place? Like Masta says, if it's bubbling away, it will probably be OK. How's the Cayuga doing?
These two batches are Diamond and Vinoles and they came from a local vineyard overlooking Keuka Lake. I'm a couple of hours north. They grow and sell 37 or so varieties. They don't ship juice or grapes so it's pickup only. They have a nice operation and people come a long way to buy their products.

The Cayuga is about ready for its first racking. =)
That sounds great. Real grape juice to start with-not concentrate. I'm looking forward to getting plenty of grapes myself in another year or two. I wish I had known my brother was coming up earlier this week to hunt early season. He lives near Montezuma Wildlife Refuge (he was manager there for a while and then Seneca Wildlife Refuge)and has a few growers that sell juice by him also. I can't get him to try making wine himself-says he is good at getting vinegar- but then he didn't know what an airlock is.

My sister lives near Watertown - you can't be too far from there yourself. Hope all your wines turn out very fine.
I know where both those places are! I'm about equal distant to both! Yes, your brother should have brought juice to you! I say he shouldn't be allowed to drink any of your wine until he does! =)

I got an email from the folks at about the sulfites...

"We aim for 30 ppm for reds and 40-80 ppm for whites. you have
to know that this is added before the grapes go through the crusher and press.
I have seen meta blow off in the wind, so our ppm may be low by the time it gets
to the chilling tank. We do not adjust at that point unless a customer tests it
and calls to tell us it is 10 ppm, then we may adjust if there is time!"

I think I'm ok with mine. I will test before I add anymore campden tablets. It smells yeasty and winey in my kitchen</font> (I love that smell!)</font> and the airlocks are still bubbling away! How do you say PHEW?
Awesome news Joan and you will be fine so enjoy making some great wine!