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WOW!!! Nice training area.....impressive.

The wine making area is still better than mine...I use my kitchen.
It's 2/3 of the basement - finished off as my first personal training studio before I opened the commercial facility (can be seen at www.findyourstrength.com). Makes for a tighter space in the unfinished/storage side, but I worked the shelves around to make the shelf space - I'm happy with it.

- Jim
Jim, I'd take a picture of MY training area but I couldn't find a place to hang up the clothes that are hung on my old, folded-up Nordic Trac!

OilnH2O said:
Jim, I'd take a picture of MY training area but I couldn't find a place to hang up the clothes that are hung on my old, folded-up Nordic Trac!

If people ask me what kind of exercise equipment to purchase, I make sure and tell them that ones you can hang clothes on serve a double purpose.

- Jim
JimCook said:
OilnH2O said:
If people ask me what kind of exercise equipment to purchase, I make sure and tell them that ones you can hang clothes on serve a double purpose.

- Jim

My exercise routine has taken a back seat to my winemaking lately. I've got to do something about that! I've gained some weight back this last year.....

I made too much progress a few years ago to throw it all away. You give me some inspiration Jim!

Here is a link to a testimonial I gave after losing almost 100 pounds.
Appleman, thats pretty impressive,a feat I wish I could take on right now. After quiting smoking, 3 months 19 days ago, my wife and I have had to add to our wardrobe a bit. We both have about 30 pounds to lose.............. ok............. she has 30 pounds, I have 50................ ok........ a little more...... but 50 would be good. We have been trying so I know how hard it is.
Fantastic job, Appleman - success stories like that are great to hear.

And just like Appleman knows, the secret to being fit rests in a doing a couple simple things each day - make better food and eating choices; increase your exercise quality; do things you enjoy to manage stress. Wake up each day and do your best at those three things. When you get to the next day, instead of looking back, just repeat that process. As Jim Rohn says, "The things that are easy to do are also easy not to do."

- Jim
Just remember that its not a diet, its a life change when your older.
About 5 years ago I had to go on a diet and lost 60 lbs and kept it off
for about 2 years and then slipped off during 2004 holidays. In 2005
around Holloween I jumped on the scale and it said 215
I started that diet again and im down to 170 and now I keep a scale in
the bathroom to keep me in track but have kept it off during the
holidays which is the toughest and Im sure Ill lose some more once the
basement is ready for me to work in!
Gee Appleman...How impressive...I never knew those testimonials were real people...You are a real person aren't you???? That's amazing.. congratulations, I bet you feel great.

last year at this time I was terribly sick, then had Cancer surgery and 6 months of Chemo...I lost 15 pounds and felt good..even better when the Chemo was over..notthe best way to loose weight...I was at the weight I liked..105# [I am only 5 feet tall].....now I have gained back 10 pounds...not a lot of weight but sure can feel it around the middle....I think I will tone up with spring gardening season coming....sure hope so...

Think I'm going downstairs to the treadmill...bye for now!!!
NW: Thanks for bringing up your cancer. I have been wanting to ask how you have been doing?

Thats one of those subjects that you don't just keep bringing up, unless the person brings it up.
NW,I can appreciate the cases of wine bottles on the tread mill as
thats where mine always seem to end up and my wife gets on my case
about it after 2 months then leaves it alone and my cases just seem to
end up there again. This is probably the only reason shes letting me
take 3/8 of the basement over for winemaking as long as it stays behind
closed doors. That and the fact that she doesnt like the smell of
fermenting must!
I'm back from the treadmill...after clearing all the junk off of it...went 1.00 mile in 22.60 minutes, burned off 104 calories....had a small bowl of ice cream on the way back here...I hate excersizing...I like to work outside instead.

As for the cancer...Thanks for asking...I feel great. Get another CT Scan on Wednesday and go see the cancer doctor on Friday for the results...I hope everything will be okay...I feel so good...but still never feel FREE...time will tell.

I regained some of my own body back a couple months ago...had them removed the Venous Access Port [I-V Port]..it was backing up the blood to my head...without the blood thinner I would have a huge jugular vein and not able to do the things I wanted without feeling light headed...Feel so much better since they removed it....viens are working like they are suppose to now...not natural having a plug under your skin and a tube going to your heart...gave me the creeps. On the plus side...I no longer have to go in and get the Port flushed all the time...less doctors poking around....still don't feel FREE.

2 weeks ago I had day surgery and had the stint in my kidney replaced...had hoped they'd take that out too..but guess I still needed it...had some damage to the kidney tube when they removed a small tumor from that area, it had spread from the major tumor....I don't even know the stint is in there... Will go back to have that checked out again in 4 months...might then feel more FREE.

Think once you've had cancer you never feel FREE....think of it everyday, savor every moment of everyday...like they say...
Live well,
Laugh often,
Dance like no one is watching,
Sing like no one is listening,
Enjoy your loved ones...tell them you love them everyday...
Today is a gift, that's why it is called The Present...
The summer of 2005 I became very ill, not cancer, but almost didn't make it through, so I'm very lucky to be here. Six weeks into recovery, I became ill again, this time migraine headaches lasting for 20 days; poked, prodded, with morphine being the only help, along with another form of pain killer. Then one more major surgery before the summer was over. I spent a little over one month in the hospital, and six months to recover from all three surgeries.

Oh, guess I should tell you it all started as the symptoms of the flue, weak, fever, chills.

I'm alive and able to see life! That's the most important things in my life besides my family.

That ordeal is what got me started in the wine drinking. Doctor said a glass of Cabernet wine a night is good for me! Imagine that!
The doctor said a glass JS, not a glass carboy!

So glad everyone feels better and is here with us to share their
experiences as it makes as folks who havent encountered anything near
that severe rethink things and be more appreciative of what we have.
Edited by: wade
wade said:
The doctor said a glass JS, not a glass carboy!
So glad everyone feels better and is here with us to share their experiences as it makes as folks who havent encountered anything near that severe rethink things and be more appreciative of what we have.

You "red" my mind wade! shhh! don't tell the dr.
jsmahoney...The mind and body work in great ways...once the pain is gonethe bodyforgets about it...but your mind remmembers and some things in life aren't as imprtant anymore and other things become of most importance.

Glad your well...
jsmahoney said:
wade said:
The doctor said a glass JS, not a glass carboy!
So glad everyone feels better and is here with us to share their experiences as it makes as folks who havent encountered anything near that severe rethink things and be more appreciative of what we have.

You "red" my mind wade! shhh! don't tell the dr.

I know NOTHING!!!!!!!
I too had a wake up call at Christmas. Stepped on the scales at 210lb (and 5'8"). Since then I been exercising (daily runs and racketball once a week) and watching what I eat. I'm down to 180lb and I reckon another 20 to go.

Breakfast (250 cals)
8 oz of grapefruit juice
either egg on toast or 1/2 cup of all bran and 1/2 cup skimmed milk

Lunch - meat and fruit and veg, no carbs whatsoever. usually around 300 cals

Supper salad with meat and grated cheese around 400 cals

Wine, two glasses a day 250 cals

Total is usually around 1200 calories.

Then I have to go places and I eat too much when I'm gone but even with that I'm averaging 2lb a week loss.