Ready for Snowmageddon??

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Feb 9, 2010
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They are predicting 21 inches of snow over the next two days.

My SIL is up for a visit. She was supposed to fly home tomorrow. Instead she pushed her return flight out to Sunday.

Got stocked up on food and firewood. Ready to hunker down for a few days.

Are you all ready?????
Revised outlook is for 6-12" here. Looking forward to it. Normally, I get all giddy the night of a storm like this and stay up with a bottle of wine, looking at various forecasts/models. Lent is putting a dent in that (along with the handful of ladies that will be using my big screen to watch 'The Bachelor' tonight). But it'll be fun nonetheless. Got ingredients yesterday for meatballs and sauce, so I'll have that simmering tomorrow while I clear snow.
That system is hitting me now. It will be a Nor'easter off Lake Michigan for us, so heavier snowfall in my little area. We have about 6" on the ground now, with plenty more to come. Nothing like 21", however.
I've got my batteries charged up. I have enough food and water for a few days. I still need to get gas in the car though. Hopefully my work doesn't rent a hotel for me hah. I hate when they do that. I prefer to work from home.

Right now the forecast is to start heavy snow of round 2"-4" per hour early Tuesday with a total of 18"-24" through Wednesday. :(

It's times like these, I'm glad I'm not in a house right now. (between houses) Though at some point. I will have to deal with shoveling these large snow falls again.
We are looking for it starting Tuesday morning and into Wed. I'm hoping it stays east and south of us as it looks right now. Predicting 5 to 8 here. That's enough for me. It has been another very light snow year for us only plowing twice. Last year I only plowed once. Stay home, stay safe and stay warm guys.
Revised outlook is for 6-12" here. Looking forward to it. Normally, I get all giddy the night of a storm like this and stay up with a bottle of wine, looking at various forecasts/models.

Yeah, living in the DC area makes these forecasts tough. A 20 mile difference in the track of the storm means we could either get 12+ inches or nothing but rain!

Dinner plans for us tomorrow is some brunswick stew that's been sitting in the freezer waiting for such an occasion. I'm sure I can find something to go along with that!
You forget I live at ~7000ft EL and July is monsoon season so sunny in the AM and T-Storms in the PM. Daytime highs in July are around 82-85.

Get your golf game in the morning, showers (and lightening) can start to roll in by lunch time. :sm
Revised outlook is for 6-12" here. Looking forward to it. Normally, I get all giddy the night of a storm like this and stay up with a bottle of wine, looking at various forecasts/models. Lent is putting a dent in that (along with the handful of ladies that will be using my big screen to watch 'The Bachelor' tonight). But it'll be fun nonetheless. Got ingredients yesterday for meatballs and sauce, so I'll have that simmering tomorrow while I clear snow.

That's funny, I'm going to the local Giant in a few minutes to get ground meat to make meatballs, then I'll do a ragú on the stove all day tomorrow. Great minds think alike!

Looking at 14-22" here. I hate snow storms, especially when I can't drink. At least it is a Miller "B" type storm, so there is a chance things will get messed up when the energy transfers to the coastal storm, I'm crossing my fingers and toes. Also a chance for dry air to get pulled into the system, hopefully over my house...

Edit: they just sent around an email suggesting we don't come in if the totals are what they are predicting. Guess I'm on for the Ragú!
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This is the storm we had last week, I hope it isn't the same one. We got an inch of rain first and then 70mph winds. Amtrak was delayed 14 hours because they hit a 25 ft snow bank and 4 engines couldn't get them pulled out.

This is our driveway. It took us a day to get out. This is only one snowbank down our driveway, we had to remove many more, some bigger.

Stay warm and inside.

March 2017 012.JPG
Pretty rugged here too...high yesterday was only 65 with a brisk north breeze. I had to dig out a long sleeved shirt...though I was gonna have to turn on the car heater before we got to church, but we barely made it!

I did two winters in Germany...swore I would never go through anything like that every again....and I have not. You folks are nuts!
And here in the Southwest it's just.......... :db

It has begun.

Local school system has already cancelled all evening activities. It is currently sunny and 45 degrees.

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