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Sorry just had to post this. What a great idea!



We finally know exactly how Budweiser is made !!!! :)

(come on folks, you know that everyone was thinking this! Doesn't Bud own Guinness?)
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I harvested some wine diamonds tonight. They actually clogged the sink, just blows my mind. Never had them before. Those Chardonel grapes must be loaded. I had bottled a few so I could fit a racking into a 5 gallon vs. 6 gallon carboy. Basement temp is at 59*F and the bottles are loaded with them.

Was hoping winter was gone here.Wishful thinking.Woke to this this morning

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You and I have DRASTICALLY different ideas of what is pretty.............


Dang, I must be getting old or something. I saw this picture and the first thought (well maybe second or third) was, glass near barefoot people and water. That's a dangerous thing.
I wish people would stop posting that image of my wife. I'm so embarrassed, I told her a darker red would be more photogenic.

My name is Craig, and I'm an alcoholic. I've been seeing strange things lately. I've been told it is my excessive drinking that causes these hallucinations. For example, tonight I opened a bottle of Diablo Rojo. Cheap kit with some added grape skins and tannins. Had been laying peacefully on it's side at about 58*F, so I gently pulled the cork, poured it into my ancient crate and barrel decanter meant for college lambrusco and impressing the ladies, and when I held up the bottle to look for sediment, I found rubies and diamonds in my bottle. They were so sparkly and shiny.

I am Craig, and I am an alcoholic.

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