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Nov 15, 2007
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I just racked my wine a couple of days ago into my carboy. It is a merlot, and I had it in the primary for six days. I had it sealed with an airlock in the primary. The starting sg was around 1.075. When I racked it over, it was around .996. It doesn't seem to be fermenting any more in the carboy. I has been in the carboy for 4 days. Is it stuck or just finished fermenting? There are no bubbles coming. Any help is appreciated. OH, and when I racked I did it with a regular siphon. I got a little taste, and it tasted pretty good. I just swished around my mouth, it seemed a little "hot", but good nonetheless.
You could have racked it a couple days sooner. It is just about finished with a SG of .996. Take the carboy and rock it back and forth cafefully a few times. This will gently stir the contents of the carboy and possibly help it ferment a couple points further. More importantly it will dislodge some of the suspended C02 gasses which will help make a safe cap of gas on top. Next time monitor the SG a little closer and try to rack a little higher.

Rest assured, it will be fine.
If it were a RJS kit they have you ferment dry in the primary and then rack pretty much like you did and I think this works better for getting more SO2 out. Check you SG a few times over the next few days and see if it goes down anymore, if it doesnt then proceed to next step which is adding k-meta & sorbate and DEGASSING. Make sure you do a good job degassing as this is critical to your wine clearing and not be fizzy which you dont want in a red wine. Get the temp up around 74* to degass as cooler temps will make your wine not properly degass.
Thanks. I didn't think it would make a difference. I am going to leave it for two more days then degass probably on Tues. It did taste pretty good when I got a little in my mouth siphoning, and I will say it was much better already than I expected from a "kit" wine. And I do drink a fair amount of wine. Thanks for all the help.
Which kit is this? If this is a VR or WV then you will be amazed when you take it to the high end kits as there is a world of difference. Let me tell you that the Limited Edition kits are out of this world. I have a RJS Chilean Malbec bulking and will say it is better than 7 commercial Malbecs that I have tried in the $15 - $25 dollar range. I had the pleasure of trying a bottle of the Mosti Meglioli Barolo and it was better than any commercial bottle of wine i have ever tried. They are pretty expensive but Im just saying this to influence you into saving up to get a bigger kit next time for experience sake. After that you will never go back to the smaller kits.
I guess the first question I have to ask is did you follow the directions to a "T" and if so you probably have no worries.. The only thing is what was the racking temp?
I did follow the directions as closely as possible, so I guess you could say I did it to a "T". The temp was around 75 degrees, and I know that is a little warm. I figured that might have made it ferment a little quicker. I just stirred it good and started clarifying, and it still looks and smells good. I can't wait for a tast in about 2 weeks. The lees are separating pretty good right now too. Thanks for the help.
Let us know how the taste test goes! Sounds Good!