non-flavored wine

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Nov 11, 2007
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The book that got me started with trying my hand at wine making mentioned something about making wine using just sugar, water and yeast. I figure this would be a little bland and was wondering if I tried something like this if I would need to add tannin or acid blend or any of the other powders/tablets/etc that I've been using for fruit or even kit wines.

I'm also curious if I could use like a flavored syrup to make a 'wine flavor' for the taste of whoever might come along and want a glass?

Looking forward to any input your experiences can give me, thanks in advance!
I tried that same thing a few years ago. Yes you can make alcohol from just the sugar, water and yeast. It does work. You can try to flavor it with the flavorings available and it will give it flavor. Is it drinkable- Yes. Does it taste good, NO. Would I make it again- NEVER when I can use almost anything to make a good flavored wine.
excellent comment appleman,,ditto for me
love your answer PeterZ. I feel there are too many things out there to make wine out of to waste time on sugar water.
If you are doing this merely to satisfy your curiosity, then go for it. But I agree with appleman that it will probably not be very palatable. I made wine out of grape Kool-Aid just to prove to a friendthat I could. I tasted it when bottling and it basically tasted like grape Kool-Aid spiked with Vodka, which is not something I would recommend if you want a drink. I gave all of the bottles I made to the person who told me it couldn't be done. I hope he likes them.

I like to experiment a lot with wine making. There are so many things you could try that the possibilities are almost endless. Although I have considered making "water wine", I came to the same conclusion as stated above. There are just too many better choices out there so I'll do that one last, after I've made wine out of every other possible ingredient. I've only got 3 billion batches to go....Wait, I just started a Black Currant for the first time, so now it's 2,999,999,999 batches to go. After that I'll try plain water.
This past winter I made some Liquor Kits from Classic...Liquor Quik that started out with water and sugar and lots of yeast...then added more sugar to beef it up more...Then charcoal, glycerin and flavorings...they aren't too bad.

Would I do it again...No!!! The kits were a gift and I see that they are now very expensive...can buy Liqueurs fairly reasonable... Was fun tho.

Edited by: Northern Winos
I wouldnt do it either as there are so much better things to make wine with such as dandelions, flowers, any wild fruit that you can find that isnt poisonous. If your looking to make something cheap why mot make some Welches frozen fruit juice wines.Edited by: wade
water wine scrapped. thanks for your expertise on the matter...I'll be sticking with whatever fruit looks good at the market or whatever kit strikes my fancy! I appreciate the answers, they will keep me focused wine worth drinking.
Kinda like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer-------feels SO good when you stop.........