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    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Finer Wine Kit Petite Sirah.
      In general, I agree. The extra time is worth the wait. However, I just bottled a FWK Forte Pinot Noir that was very good the day I...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread AIO vs Wine Pump.
      I looked at the AIO and decided to stay with my transfer pump. Yes, it's slower but does completely eliminate the need to lift carboys...
    • Sailor323
      It probably won't make a huge difference. Malic acid is milder than tartaric so you may notice a slightly more tart taste in the wine.
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Super Transfer Pump.
      That's exactly what the direction for my transfer pump suggest.
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Stuck Fermentation?.
      RJS Cru International French Rosé is one of my favorites and I've made several batches. They always finish out around .995 so I'd say...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Successfully hygienic.
      I understand, you've got to make what the customers want. I make grape wines exclusively and, while I do have a pH meter, I almost never...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Successfully hygienic.
      Pathogens cannot survive the low pH of wine. I don't really understand this focus on high alcohol wine. Good wines are a balance of...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Transfer Pump.
      Most of the other comments in this thread are from people who deal with greater quantities of wine than me. I use a simple pump from...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      Still a deal breaker for me, I can accomplish racking with a transfer pump and don't have to move the carboys at all. Years ago, moving...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      Carboy must be on the floor! Deal breaker. The whole purpose of having a pump is to avoid having to lift a full carboy.
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Apple varieties for apple wine.
      Years ago,, I made apple wine from several varieties of apples in my orchard, I also made wine from storebought apple juice. I was never...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Apple varieties for apple wine.
      Agree on the Red Delicious, a completely flavorless apple. Golden Delicious, on the other hand, is a very tasty apple, tart, sweet...
    • Sailor323
      My racking cane has a baffle on the end which reduces the amount of lees picked up and when I rack the 3rd time into a bottling bucket...
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread LOL.... Bud Light dethroned!.
      Modelo is the best selling beer in the US and, in my book better than the stump water sold by Anheuser-Busch
    • Sailor323
      Sailor323 replied to the thread Bottle drying.
      I would do something else, I would just rinse out the bottles with hot water, clean them if necessary and sanitize with either Star-san...
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