Life is a Beach!

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Bart: You have a much happier wife if you describe her as part of a "young couple" rather than an "old couple" .....
Kalik beer is pretty good. We had some when we were in Nassau last year. I should have brought some back on the cruise ship.
Hey Rich,

The old building with the rusted golf carts was an old abandoned golf course. The other was an old light house......

This island had so many neat locations for a LOST video trailer it was CRAZY!
Nice skills Mike, film making skills, wine making skills, computer skills, nun- chuk skills, bow hunting skills...
Seven pages of posts living vicariously through someone else's vacation. What does that say about the rest of us? We envy Mike? We're bored? We need a vacation too?
We love ya Mike and next year we're coming with you. Okay?