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I can't tell you how disappointed I am. It was the pino grigio I really wanted.
I'm very sorry to hear that. It was a great price also on an all fresh juice product. I closest all juice I saw is:

Otherwise, you jump up to the Master's Edition level. If I had some pinot grigio, I'd send you some bottles. I'm a red wine nut, and only have chardonnay on the rack. I think you'll need to open a bottle or two tonight to stomach this loss.
Sorry to hear that there is trouble in Pardise...

I gather the product doesn't come in a pail....Guess winter shipping might be the ticket to get it delivered frozen.

All that waiting and then this...Sincere Sympathy to those who have suffered the loss.
No, it comes in a 6.5 gallon pail. But it has a built-in screw air lock on top and leaks when it starts fermenting. The freezing also caused expansion. But I wouldn't be surprised in Joan's case ifsomeone was playing He-man and lifted the pail over his head and tossed it across the room.Edited by: dfwwino
I received my amarone and it was 80 to 90 percent frozen after 3 days. It was in a bag and the bucket was leaking but overall I'm very satisfied.
Joan, I can't seem to get the scanned directions to you no matter what. If you PM me your e-mail, I have them already in an e-mail waiting to send to you.
How could it have fermented, DFW? It was frozen when it left George's and 32 degrees after I transferred it to a primary.
The airlock on mine was open when I got it and if tipped on it's side or upside down it would leak, which it did-a lot. It was still a slushy mix at 32 degrees, so that's not a problem. This process could work if they were shipped without the airlockon the lid.
From what I heard, the juices may have started fermenting before they got to George. Mine was only at 1.070 and it was 34F when I got it. I think if this as an experiment that George ran to see if he could satisfy his out of town customers - and I think it was worth the try. I think George had the idea of seeing if MM could ship in the future in a freezer truck so that there would absolutely be no fermentation prior to arriving at the store. Although I only got about 2/3 of a kit in juice - I am glad George went to all this effort to try to get us this product.
My Nebbiolo arrived inPortland thursday night at 4:32pm, .31 miles from my house. by the next morning they had decided to send it back. and it was one its way to Texasby 6:30am with no chance to stop it.Point three one miles. I hope the truck gets stuck.

I only meant that when the pails arrived at George's, fermentation had begun in some and the juice was leaking out the screw cap lock. George refroze the pails that were shipped to you. I have no idea how yours was damaged, but seeing how baggage handlers and shippers like to toss fragile goods around, I could easily see how they could damage that screw cap or lid and some liquid would leak. I once had 12 lbs of honey shipped and it was squished in the mail. When it arrived, the pressure had burst the cap off, honey had oozed out was leaking all over the box and dripping out of it. These shippersare not the brightest.
Thanks, DFW. I get it now!

I knew the instructions were posted somewhere. I just couldn't find them! I gave up searching. It was a stressful day yesterday yesterday and it's not starting out too well this morning. It's 29 degrees outside and my furnace isn't working! Ugg!

Twelve pounds of oozing honey, eh? Yeesh! I think I'd rather a furnace that's not working!
Joan, I feel for you as I had my furnace fixed yesterday as it kept
shutting off and the bill was $242 62 when all said and done. After he
left he I couldnt shut the heat off as he left the valves open to make
sure it was working properly and forgot to close them. I called him and
he didnt call back for 2 hours. By then my house was at 78* and I was
just about to shut off the furnace.
Although personally I am happy to have my shipment I wonder how George feels since he must have had some complaints. Hopefully he will still ship this product in the future.
I think there is a fix. I m picturing a shipping proof ,Airtight pressure resiliant container thatIS filled with inert gasses and a Dry iceinsert (to contain a lower temp.) THIS CAN sleave over a 6 gallon bucket.
Oh! I apologize! I butted into your conversation. I apologize! I will start a new one.
PS I did find that Shipping container. Chow!
Way Out West, glad to have you aboard. Please share your wine making or other experiences with us. Please do so in another post in the appropriate area but you were posting this info in the right area and we are all welcome to contribute to any post as long as we try to keep up that topic although we do stray quite often. You know how it is, 1 thing turns into another but we do try.
Hey Appleman!!!!! Is your Amarone working? Mine's bubbling away!
Mine is only up to 63 degrees so there is no good fermentation yet, but there is a little foam on top. It smell great now that it has thawed out all the way.