Hi from Colorado

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Dec 6, 2007
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My name is Bryan and I am new to Winemaking. I live in Colorado Springs, CO. I have just cleared my first wine, Muller-Thurgau. I started my interest at work. A co-worker presented a seminar on how to create wine from a kit. It looked so easy and rewarding that a couple of buddies and myself picked up kits and equipment from our local shop. So far I'm loving it. I plan to increase my wine production 3 fold very soon as well as trying creating wine from fruits or grapes without the kit. For now, I'm trying to build my wine reserve as well as learn as much as possible.

I am looking forward to learning and sharing on this forum.

Bryan N.
Glad to have you aboard Brian. Feel free to ask any questions you need.
Welcome Bryan. This is a good place to learn your new hobby. We have a good variety of members who are all willing to share their experiences. That's one kit I haven't made- I'm afraid if I made it I would have to pronounce it's name
Hi Bryan, You picked the right place. The people here are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Welcome aboard. Look forward to hearing of your adventures!
Howdy! Nice to have you hear. I believe we currently havea Muller-Thurgau bulk aging! I'm quite looking forward to tasting it.
howdy welcome to this forum. I have never made a kit but will in the near future. I mostly make fruit and vegie wines. There are a lot of wineries here in Iowa that make treditonaly wines so there is a open market for the unusual wines and I fill that need. You will find this forum verry helpful and verry friendly so ask all the questions you want and some one will answer them for you
Welcome Bryan...Hope you stay awhile and glad you joined this winemaking 'family'...Share your adventures with us.

We find it hard to make enough wine to share as well as keep up with consumption...Do...increase your production 3 fold...

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