Hello From Salt Lake City!

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Jan 4, 2015
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Hi- I am Dave in Salt Lake! I have made beer before, and decided to start on wine when one of my wives (This is Salt Lake City, I have 5) gave me a wine making kit for Christmas.

That was a joke BTW. I only have 3 wives, 5 would drive any sane man crazy. :slp

Staring with a Zin kit... from WinExperts.

Anyway, Hi- hows it?
Thanks a lot- seems like a great forum.... with a lot of very knowledgeable people on board! I have been just reading over posts here and there, and it seems like there is a lot to learn, but a lot of help to get there, too.

Actually, must worry about the neighbors RAIDING my cellar! I joke about the weirdness of this city, but SLC really is a great and fun city. We have a couple good home brew stores. Let me get a couple of good batches down and then I will welcome anyone over a for a bottle and a tour of the city!
LOL My wife was raised Mormon but "escaped" when she went away to college. Problem is you can never really fully escape. To this day we get visited by (some very polite) people still trying to pull her back into the "church"……

You live in a beautiful state. Nice to have another member out here in the desert southwest as well!
Welcome aboard. When I first got out of collage I vetted for several Mormon ranches near Vernal. Good people to work with or for.