I was in my favourite LHBS this week and here are the numbers for that visit...
store employee - female - makes wine with Artful Winemaker system
my wife and I - I'm the wine maker, but she helps sometimes (bottling especially)
man by himself - definite wine maker (had a good chat)
woman in and out quickly with 3 kits
older man & woman - he's the winemaker, not sure how much she helps.
So that's 3 males to 1 female, possibly 2 females.
Another viewpoint... I live in a Ferment on Premises province. Which means many people make wine in an FoP. The FoP staff are the real winemakers. Here's the staff numbers for my last visits to nearby FoPs (using codes for the FoPs to help me)...
T - men 2
W - women 2
PC - women 2
Th - women 1 (although she was one of the women at the PC store)
WE - women 1
NF - men 1, not sure if his wife makes wine or runs store but she has been there both visits
So here the women out number the men 5 to 3.
Al - you need to ask people from Ontario and New Brunswick if they actually make wine, or just get it made in an FoP.