DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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James is correct about clearing after the C02 is gone. Be careful how often you rack though. Every time you remove the bung, rack or degas you are introducing oxygen which contributes to oxidation. Ensure your S02 (meta) levels are up to help protect against this.

Thanks Dan! Ya I understand that. I do pretty much 2-3 rackings with DB or similar and make sure I have my kmeta there. I only do one application if racking more than once within a 3 week period. Will get one of those fancy s02 testers one day :)

Umm, let me try to provide translation. ;) I think James confused you with some of your Plains compatriots. Fargo is in ND, not far from some of our other Canadian posters. However, it turns out that both Canada and the US are large countries! (#2 and #3!!)

Carolyn is in northern Ontario, which is about a 21 hour drive from Fargo. James, of your normal drop-off spots, I think that *I* might happen to be the closest to Carolyn. However, it is still a 14-hour drive from Milwaukee to Renfrew.
mango, peach and pineapple are hard ones..
all three throw out tons and tons of lees, and you have to use a lot of fruit to get good flavor...I have done all three......for my 5 gallon of mango using fruit , I used 50 lbs of mangos, started out as 5 gallon , and after racking and clearing I ended up with about 3.5.
pineapple, I used 5 gallons of dole pineapple juice,
peach, I used 24 cans white grape peach concentrate....it is excellent.,

Thanks, James!! Your advice is much appreciated :hug
I think I might be on a fruit collecting mission before this next batch.....
I'll see what I can come up with. I have 19+lbs of Mangos so far hehe
At the very least, I'd be using PapaCork's 30lbs.....

My JetBlue hit dry tonight (0.994) so I took out the fruit. I will wait a few days, keep checking and make sure the SG has stabilized. Then I'll rack it, degass it, and stabilize it. Carolyn, I'll send pics when it's in the glass carboy and when it's bottled. Right now it has an incredibly GROSS purple foam on the top of the bucket. lol

Good news is, it tastes like alcohol and lemon juice. And my first batch of DB tasted sort of similar. Just a few weeks later, the triple berry DB is doing MUCH MUCH better!!!:b
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Carlos, your wine looks great! Very nice presentation with the label and shrink cap.
Thanks! Now going to wait the 3 months lol. Try to at least.

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From what I've read here Dragon Blood is considered an "early drinker". Maybe a couple of weeks to a month is all the bottle aging needed?

Once bottled I'm not going to wait too long before trying a bottle. My hope is that I'll like it (mine tasted good on day 16!) and then will start a second batch.
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Just back sweetened my first batch of D.B. I brought it up to 1.012 with simple syrup. I tasted the wine and to me it has a slight "cough syrup" flavor. Is this the norma taste in the beginning? It has good color, and ABV is about 10.4%. I'm going to leave it alone for a few days and come back and taste again. Thoughs anyone? Thanks, Bakervinyard
Just back sweetened my first batch of D.B. I brought it up to 1.012 with simple syrup. I tasted the wine and to me it has a slight "cough syrup" flavor. Is this the norma taste in the beginning? It has good color, and ABV is about 10.4%. I'm going to leave it alone for a few days and come back and taste again. Thoughs anyone? Thanks, Bakervinyard

I think I've read several times on this thread where - these are my words - the first taste of DB was nothing to write home about but then turned around with just several weeks aging. I hope this is what you find out.
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Just back sweetened my first batch of D.B. I brought it up to 1.012 with simple syrup. I tasted the wine and to me it has a slight "cough syrup" flavor. Is this the norma taste in the beginning? It has good color, and ABV is about 10.4%. I'm going to leave it alone for a few days and come back and taste again. Thoughs anyone? Thanks, Bakervinyard

Perhaps it's too sweet? I really prefer my stuff drier and don't find a cough syrup taste with mine. The sweetest I've had it was 1.010 and that was way too sweet for me. I like mine between 1.000 and 1.002 but that's just my own tastes. With the flavor profile of this wine, time in the bottle should bring the fruit taste back and maybe soften that cough syrup taste. Check it in a month, and then 2 and 3 etc.
I agree with Carolyn, it maybe too sweet. And try adding a pinch of acid blend and see what that does.
Hey guys - I’ve made my first batch of DB. It was a 3 gal batch, so I halved the recipe. -I started it on 25 Jan following the directions that Dave gave. On 12 Feb I added 1 ½ cups of simple syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water). On 20 Feb I did a final rack. The wine had a very lemony taste then. I tried some today and it really didn’t have too much taste. The lemony taste has subsided. Will it get better? I haven’t bottled it yet, but will probably bottle this week. What kind of taste should I be looking for? Any thoughts?
I just bottled mine. My alcohol content close to 13%. Fruit smell but strong kick. Will give it time for the sweetness to come out. Only put 4 cups of sugar

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