DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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it taste terrible...i just tried it...
I only left the skins on for a day, thinking it would be darker..its not.
the mustang grapes are so acidic, i thought i had it balanced, but not.
may just bulk age it, and make some more and blend when this years crop is picked.
Carolyn and James,

I used sparkalloid as per the instructions. I degassed for 30 minutes. Not much gas was coming out anymore. And the ending SG was 996 on day 3.

There is some sediment at the bottom. Should I rack and try another dose of sparkalloid or should I give this more time?

Thank you very much for the help.

i would rack, i can not tell you about sparkoloid...I dont use it I use super kleer, which works like magic for me.
I would just wait it out, are add super kleer...
Ya that's good advice James! I have used both with equal success. They say sparkolloid takes about a week but the last time I used it, it cleared my concord port within 2-3 days. Because I'm bulk aging it I only see a tiny dusting of light lees on the bottom. Really for any longer term drinkers time is the best thing for proper clearing and getting all the sediment to drop. Put your carboy in the place you intend to rack it. Let all that sediment settle and rack like James said. Then see if it clears on it's own or hit it with sparkolloid or super kleer. I'm not the most experienced here but in my experience when using sparkolloid you have to make sure you simmer and stir it well for 10 minutes at least. This will cause the clearing to go faster.
OK, Iv been gone for a while. I haven't made any wine sense before the holidays. Been busy having a first gandbaby. Just been busy. Now that he is here and Im not buying everything under the sun for him Im back. My stash is getting low anyway.
Here is my question.
I making a 6 gallon batch of DB. I know I bought lemon juice but I cant find it anywhere. I just started it today and I know I could just pick some up and add it tomorrow but I do have acid blend. How much would u recommend for a 6 gal batch. I usually don't quite use the whole bottle of lemon recommended. I usually get the next size down (bottle of Lemon)
I dont want to over do it
I have been using 3 - teaspoons per 6 - gallon on previous batches.
On the batch I'm starting today I only used 1-1/2 teaspoons to see what it's like.
Welcome back Tess and congrats on your new grand child! That should be fine! 3 tsps. I accidentally added more than that to a 6 gal batch of tropical and it is ok. Would be interesting to hear how the lesser amount one tastes.

Thanks guys. Yeah I know its all about how you like it in the end. I will do the three ;)
I agree. Three should work fine. I called the lemonless version with acid blend, "Dragonette".

Oh, and good to see you back, Tess. :hug
Tess, Your first grandchild, what a joy it must be. No chance you're going to spoil that child is there?
Welcome back, Tess! I must admit I feared the worst when you fell off the face of the Earth. I feared that maybe, I hate to even say it, I thought that perhaps (gasp), there had been an "intervention." :)
my newest db.

96 large luzianne tea bags steeped in 3 gallon jar
48 oz of lemon
no pectin
1/2 as much acid blend
sugar to sg of 1.100
taste wonderfull, with no co2 are yeast..lol
will backsweeten with sugar and mint simple syrup...hopefully will taste like a mint julep for the summer.
Started my first batch of Dragon Blood. Following the directions to the "t" Just pitched my yeast an hour ago. Temp was 75, S.G. was 1.075, tasted the juice and it was tastie not even fermented. One question on it. Do you snap down the primary fermentor lid ?
James the mint julep D.B. sounds really good, let us know how it comes out.
Thanks, Bakervinyard