DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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Well, it's only been a day since I pitched the yeast. Suppose I could stir in two or three more cups of sugar at this point. I guess I thought the added sugar in the berries themselves would drive up the ABV.

I keep planning on checking the SG of the fruit juices so I can determine how much the ABV is raised by the fruit...

...and I keep forgetting. :bt
My first DB batch should probably be ready for 1st racking tomorrow, the SG reading taken this afternoon was 1.002.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Below shows how it has gone along from day 1.

Starting.... SG 1.074/ temp 22.1 C
Feb.9.... SG 1.070/ temp 22.5 C
Feb 10.... SG 1.054 temp 22.5 C
Feb 11.... SG 1.041 temp 23.1 C
Feb 12... SG 1.030 temp 23.0 C
Feb 13 .... SG 1.021 temp 23.2 C
Feb 14 ... SG 1.010 temp 22.4 C
Feb 15 ... SG 1.002 temp 22.2 C
Woohoo! Can I be nominated as the new DB cheerleader?? Lol

But one thing... You might want to wait until you have the same SG reading for 3 days in a row to confirm that the primary fermentation really is complete. Or else you will have a terrible time degassing and clearing it. That's just my 2 cents though :)
hey, do not worry bout Carolyn, any body that can shoe a horse can dang sure handle some db....

Have you ever tried it?? It's actually quite difficult lol I actually only remove shoes and practice therapeutic and high performance barefoot trimming. I wear my heart rate monitor to work sometimes and last time I wore it - it said I burned 1097 cals lol

Maybe that's also why I fall asleep on the couch haha!
my x had a few hunter/jumpers and was in dressage, she was quite good, and in the 80s made the olympic team...although she never competed..not sure why...but she had horses and as i recall anytime they needed a vet are shot, she was at work and I was at the farm...
she had one that coliced, and when the vet got to the house, he asked me to bridal the horse... then proceded to stick about 10 feet of rubber hose down its nose, then poured something in it..told me to hold the bridal when he pulled it out...not sure who fainted first ..me are the horse.
Aw ya colic is no fun James!! I've had several clients' horses pass away from it. Sadly it's all diet related. Yup no fun when they have tube them. My mare once choked herself on food because another horse in the stall next to her had his bead over on her side trying to get her food! I had to wait for what seemed an eternity for the vet to come and tube her. Honestly I tried rubbing her throat feverishly and scooping her throat out from inside with my fingers but nothing worked. I just had to watch her choke with little or no air and her eyes rolling back into her head until the vet finally rolled in! Ack it was like my child choking!

Oh and good on you being there for your wife's horses! That's a good horse husband!
lol, carolyn your a funny girl....horse husband...never thought of it like that.first horse i ever bought, i was drunk playing poker at a bar in the bontocks, in the middle of the desert. it was kinda a make shift rodeo/illegal horse race track.i bet my car against the horse and lost.
the horse was the ugliest thing you ever saw...but some how we bonded...i loved it after a while..was just plain terrible to look at.
good night.
Label for anyone contemplating drinking it - for the bottle lol but not sure! Nothing wrong with the couch but I HATE waking up in the middle of the night - don't do it in bed but always on the couch! Cuz I now I'm not in bed! Then I feel like I hadn't slept all night!
lol, carolyn your a funny girl....horse husband...never thought of it like that.first horse i ever bought, i was drunk playing poker at a bar in the bontocks, in the middle of the desert. it was kinda a make shift rodeo/illegal horse race track.i bet my car against the horse and lost.
the horse was the ugliest thing you ever saw...but some how we bonded...i loved it after a while..was just plain terrible to look at.
good night.

OMG that is so funny! Lol too bad we weren't neighbors we'd have lots of stories to share! Honestly I'd rather have the horse than the car no matter how ugly! :D good night! I'm awake and ahead of the game, am heading for bed so I don't fall asleep on the couch!
Carolyn, Here's a win-win solution: Take your bottle of DB to the bedroom. That way you'll fall asleep in bed and still get to enjoy the DB.

James, sounds like the makings of a good country song!
Clearing question

Hi everyone,

I need your input and guidance. I followed the original recipe as stated. However, it has been over two weeks and wine is still cloudy.

Any advice or am I being impatient?


What did you use to clear it and did you wait a full 3 days with the same dry hydrometer reading before adding your clearing agent? Did you make sure you degassed it sufficiently prior to clearing?
make sure your complete with fermentation.
dragon blood is meant to have a clearing agent added, rather then wait for a natural clearing to occur.
as carolyn said...make sure its degassed....that will help the sediment fall.
when co2 is rising it slows the natural occuring downward motion of sediment,

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