Crushing Muscadine grapes

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Well today Doug (ffemt) and Steve (djrockinsteve) came up and we pressed muscadines. What we learned was to listen to Steve and don't let Doug pour :)

Had a great time and got a pile of juice, I have 4 5g buckets of juice.

Here are some pics:

Muscadine Pressing 001.jpg
Muscadine Pressing 003.jpg
Muscadine Pressing 015.jpg
Muscadine Pressing 020.jpg
Muscadine Pressing 023.jpg
I know from a previous post you have 220 #'s of muscadines. You definitely have your work cut out for you. It is nice to see the "family" participation.

I myself just di 80#'s year MORE

BTW...Why are the beer cans hidden behaind the Box?

Beer sometimes helps with the processing of grapes IMO
We actually did about 400#'s total and yea it was nice getting together with wine friends to do this. I have 4 buckets going in my kitchet right now. I have to run after work tomorrow to get more yeast.

When we started this, the sg for the noble is 1.100 and the reds are 1.072.
Hey thanks for the pics Julie. You guys certainly had your work cut out for you. Wish I could have been there but as I told you earlier the wife was off and had to do domestic things. Thats ok though, it got me six gallons of Traminette.
glad you all got them crushed to bad you all couldn't have got more. Hopefully we'll get to pick them again next year if not I'll find us more to get LOL so you got 20 gallon?? well gotta go work on my Damson plum
My muscadine juice was 1.070, left it at that until after the enzymes do their stuff and I'll check it again.

As for the noble it was 1.092 I added a little water to reduce it to 1.080 We'll see what happens after the enzymes as well.

Thanks again.
my nobles started at 1.110 and I let them ferment to .992 they did it on their own yeast in about 10 days now I got 10 gallon going again where I added a bit more sugar got plenty of alcohol but still got tons of flavor they're going really slow so may be about to their limit.
Looks like a fun day to me. Crushing grapes, drinking beer and a table full of food :h
I see you managed to avoid being in the photo's yourself Julie! Unless you're the young lady in the photo's, in which case you might be a bit too young to drink your wine :pic
It was definately a good time. I unfortunately don't have enough carboys right now so I have 10 gallons of Reds going and I froze my noble skins and juice for a later date.

Andrea had a blast and slept the entire way home. She needed it. I I could have used a nap also.

Thanks everyone for their efforts, it was a fun day. Now we have to get together and try each others Muscadine Wine.
BTW...Why are the beer cans hidden behaind the Box?

Beer sometimes helps with the processing of grapes IMO

LOL, good eye. After so much pressing my husband said "beer thirty" and away he went.

Looks like a fun day to me. Crushing grapes, drinking beer and a table full of food :h
I see you managed to avoid being in the photo's yourself Julie! Unless you're the young lady in the photo's, in which case you might be a bit too young to drink your wine :pic

Oh that is because I was the one with the cameral!
well there is probly a couple ton (easily) more needing to be picked if your into a small road trip LOL what you say Julie, Doug ect. We went this morning and picked 2 gallons of nobles,and bronze and about 2 1/2 gallons of reds. Oh might have another freezer to use so might be able to pack another 20 or so buckets away for safe keeping