Champlain Valley - Grapemans' vineyard - Planting to small winery

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It's something I can't really explain, but just seeing those vines brings a huge smile to my face and a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I think I missed my calling. I know a person can start growing grapes and making wine at any age, but seriously, if I could be be a young man again, I'd head straight for California wine country and start out as a laborer in the vineyards and try hard to work my way up to winemaker. I'd even do it now if I were physically able to do that hard work.

I am sure you have worked hard and studied a great deal to get where you are, Appleman. I wish you complete success.
We continue to get plenty of rain in a timely manner and are up to 1800 growing degree days- 400 ahead of last year at the same time. Last night picked up another half inch- 2.5 inches so far this month. Things are maturing so fast I take pictures and they ripen more before I can post them. I will get some updated ones in a few days, but here are a few I took from late last week. I checked Marquette out this AM and the brix is between 12 and 15.

How long will this stay this color? It is the main winery.
Looking grand their Rich!

That nice winery seems to be missing a few things still!

You have some AC in there for the Summer time temps?
The vineyard looks better than in those pictures or at least neater after I worked in it over the weekend trimming some things up. Where the small vines are, all that grass under the vines is trimmed neatly back, but I didn't take time to get pictures of the after. I dropped probably easily a ton of fruit over the weekend to get them closer to where I want them.

That area of the winery stays relatively cool. I don't think I will need AC- but heat yes!

Dan the edquipment has already started moving in there after I took the pictures. Remember I am starting small, so there isn't a ton of equipment. (This is my under $5K budget after all). Most of the sinks, etc are on the other side of that door where the laundry sink is. There are floor drains in this room and I will be able to rinse things out there, but pressure washing will take place outside on the crush pad.
I will probably finish moving things around in there this week and will try to get a picture or two- just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day...................
Great pics, Rich. Thise Grapes are lookin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!

How big is that main winery room? Looks big enough for helpers to assist in some processing :)
Nothing I have is perfect goodfella, but I appreciate the thought. The only way I can afford to do all of this is to do it cheap - so that means a bit less than I would hope for, but it is all mine.

I finally got a person at the NYS Liquor Authority this AM that deals with the Farm Winery Permits. The one person they have for that was on vacation for the lastmonth. She sent me the Temporary Permit Application within 30 seconds. Last week the lady I spoke with told me I couldn't get a Temporary Permit until I had a license.....huh? If I had a license why would I need a temporary permit?
Ok, here are a couple pictures in the winery with just a bit of stuff moved in. Tons to go, but limited time.


I need to get all these things cleaned up and ready to go.
Looks great Rich. Looks like you have alot of room to expand for awhile.

One question though:
What kind of grapes are these that you posted? Theylook HUGE. Are theyedelweiss?
Actually I will be a bit cramped when I get everything in there, but I will make do.

Those grapes in that picture are Niagara. The Concord next to them are the same size- they are the largest and earliest I have ever had. You should see the size of the Edelweiss at Willsboro! HUGE.

By the way, that picture is a good example of how you want the foliage- providing what is called dappled sunshine. You want the canopy open enough so the sun can hit everywhere at one time or another during the day, but not directly in the sun all day.
Yes I used a heavy duty Latex paint and paid for it for about two days. I have pretty bad latex allergies, even to the point where the paint causes me to break out in a rash and get asthma. I had to sleep sitting up in a chair for two days.

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