can people not read anymore???

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just an oldman
Aug 5, 2010
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I put an add in craigslist for large bottles,jugs,jars 2 gallon or more and I've got like 6 replies with people wanting to sell me used wine bottles regular 750 ml not large bottles at all. I mean really what gives one guy wanted to sell me 30 used 750ml bottles for $25 and said he could get all I needed if I wanted. I mean really what does a person have to do to get people to read stuff before they open their mouth and stick both feet in.:m
It's people like this that make you wanna:gb
I tell ya gonna step down and get my BP back down
People can be stupid that way.

Keep your power dry and watch your top knot. LOL.
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to many warning labels I tell you, to many warning labels if there was less of them on things there would be less of these people around. lol
to many warning labels I tell you, to many warning labels if there was less of them on things there would be less of these people around. lol

I'm all for removing the warning labels and weeding out the population.
Here's your sign.
I'm not convinced that they are taught "Readin, Ritin, and Rithmetic" in the schools anymore.

I was standing in a hospital hall last year beside (ie not in front of) a sign that said "Emergency Room ===>" in big letters. Care to guess what I was asked? Of course, it was "Which way is the Emergency Room?"

Years ago I worked part time at a family rest. and was asked "Are there nuts in the banana nut bread"?
ah...warning labels....i used to own some gas stations.....we used to have just a few labels on the pumps...what type of gas...the octane...a weights and measure sticker....a do not smoke one......20 yrs later, there were so many stickers that it looked like graffiti...things had to be combined, because no one was reading them anyway...the worst offense...and that still exists is the person who is rests their hand on the the gas nozzle and in between the fingers in that *same* hand is a lit cigarette.......i used to see that over and over again.... cant tell you how many shouting matches i got in over that

what part of no smoking do you not understand?
You have to do it this way:

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Then there are the people who can't read STOP in big letters on a bright red sign. Shopping centers are the worst place for this. Everybody seems to assume that they mean the other person is supposed to stop- not them.
I still can't get past the "Warning, this coffe is hot" that they now have to put on coffee cups.

Another one... Has anybody seen the "stick figure" sign of a guy reading? This is a sign to tell folks where the library is and is geared toward illiterates. If you can't read, then why would you need the library?
ah...warning labels....i used to own some gas stations.....we used to have just a few labels on the pumps...what type of gas...the octane...a weights and measure sticker....a do not smoke one......20 yrs later, there were so many stickers that it looked like graffiti...things had to be combined, because no one was reading them anyway...the worst offense...and that still exists is the person who is rests their hand on the the gas nozzle and in between the fingers in that *same* hand is a lit cigarette.......i used to see that over and over again.... cant tell you how many shouting matches i got in over that

what part of no smoking do you not understand?

The part where I have to put out my ciggarette just so I don't blow up your place! LOL. Idiots.
I put an add in craigslist for large bottles,jugs,jars 2 gallon or more and I've got like 6 replies with people wanting to sell me used wine bottles regular 750 ml not large bottles at all. I mean really what gives one guy wanted to sell me 30 used 750ml bottles for $25 and said he could get all I needed if I wanted. I mean really what does a person have to do to get people to read stuff before they open their mouth and stick both feet in.:m
It's people like this that make you wanna:gb
I tell ya gonna step down and get my BP back down

Can't see a whole lot to get worked up about. Just says thank you and hang up.

Getting worked up is stressful and bad for your heart. :D
I don't really get worked up it's just you wanna pinch their heads off