Belated Hello from Aurora IL

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Aug 18, 2010
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I've been a member of the list for a while, and I read the board on a regular basis - but I don't think I've ever done an intro - so here goes.

1st thanks for the wealth of knowledge that people share on this forum - it's been very informative!

A bit about me - I've been making wine for a little over 5 years - it all started when a friend give me a bottle that he made that I didn't like, and I thought I could do better. I made beer in the past so I had most of the basic equipment. I started with a kit and quickly moved to whole grapes, and my carboy's currently contain - Malbec, Foch, Marquette, Prairie Star, Syrah, Apple, Merlot, Pinot gris, and I'm going to start Cranberry in the next week. The wine rack contains Cab, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Cranberry, a blend of cab/merlot, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Skeeter Pee, and Strawberry. So I'm hooked - and at least I think the results is better than my 1st sample of home made wine.
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have been a busy guy. This is really a great place to share knowledge and experience. Glad to have you aboard.
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Welcome! You may be a newbie poster, but certainly not a newbie wine maker. You have been a very busy wine maker. It is nice to have you.
Absolutely welcome and thanks for posting. I have blended several times a merlot and cab. sauv. It's a great blend. I recently blended a merlot with a muscadine. Awesome.

Two years ago I did 5 different test blends. All gallon increments. 4 of the 5 were great. One was so-so. I turned that into vinegar.....wife loves vinegar as much as wine.

Some were 2 wines, some 3. I encourage everyone to explore some new wines created by blending in small amounts and find something unique to their tastes.

Glad your hooked. It;'s a great hobby and passion.
The grapes have come from California, Chile, and Wisconsin. Most of the time I use a local distributor here in the Chicago area for the California and Chilean grapes (Midwest Wine Grape), but I've used other distributors too. For the northern grapes I went to Mitchell Vineyard (just south of Madison WI), and for the fruit wines I go to a local orchard. This is the 1st year I'm doing local/northern grapes, but it will not be the last. I really liked getting out in the vineyard to select my own grapes - and the wine seems to be turning out very nice.

Nice to meet you! I'm a neighbor not too far north of you. Looks like you have quite a bit of experience!
Welcome to our ever growing wine forum. Sounds lime youve been lurking and doing lots of homework and lots of wine work!! Glad to have you here!