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Okay, looked at the website again. I think I know what happened.

Either you used apostrophes in the ingredients or you used parentheses in the ingredients. I think the database does not support using that. In the Methods field, you can use them, but not in the ingredients. Don't ask me why it does this, I really don't know. Sometimes computers have a stubborn streaked mind of their own.
I, too, am learning about this as it happens.

I tried entering in a recipe and it happened too, I clicked on the "back" button of my browser, and all the info was (luckily) still in the text-fields. I looked it over and changed what I thought might be the problem (parentheses and apostrophes), and I was able to send it successfully. If this happens to you, try that instead of giving up!!!!

Again, I'm sorry about this -- it's still in the tweaking stages, and since this is done only in my free time, different aspects will take longer to get the kinks out.I repeat, I am also in the learning stages of this particular website, and both my husband and I are doing some pretty neat things that are unfortunately more behind-the-scenes, but make it just pretty cool.

I will give some examples (for the computer-interested): The pdf fiile is made "on-the-fly." This means, your recipe pdf is made specifically for you at the second you decide to press on the pdf button: No files are stored on the computer, it is generated for each recipe individually, and at that exact moment. You can enter in a recipe, and look at the pdf file a millisecond later, and it will be there. Also, if you look at the title "MyWineRecipes" up at the top of the PDF file, you see the ribbon color next to it - you will always generally know at a glance, that this wine was a winner.

I've talked about some issues of the site with my husband, and we might be working on them shortly (husband is on-call practically all week), if the feedback on this forum is positive for the changes (i.e. if they really would be used):
<LI>Making a kit-wine category</LI>
<LI>thus having a general "kit-wine" yeast option in the yeast-type drop-down menu. Kits don't seem to want to disclose the yeast they use for each kit.</LI>
<LI>Removing the submitter's images from the PDF file. (If lots of method, they get covered up by the images. We are unable to program the 'more than one page' function of the PDF file. My husband spent 3 days just getting the pdf file to work and look decent)</LI>
<LI>There might be a few beautifying aspects and more user-friendly buttons added along the way. </LI>
<LI>Like I mentioned before (but this is one of those big updates for Version 2, so this is probably last on the to-do list), we're thinking of changing the tasting notes evaluation a little. This is a huge programming challenge, so we are reluctant to say if this can be done for sure. Just warning you all.
<LI>The closest I could probably get to an edit function (in a relatively short time) is sort of like the "preview post" option. After double-checking, you'd have the option to either edit it that way, or to send the recipe. After that, however, no editing will be able to be done. If this is what people would like, I could have my husband work on it. If this is not sufficient, I guess I'll have to think of another way of doing things without doing password-protected areas.
If I get feedback from the forum, however, that this function would be sufficient for double-checking spelling and othertypos, then I'd go ahead and do it.
There are some logistical, programming,and user-(un-)friendly issues that make a "go back and change the recipe totally" not wise. </LI>
<LI>Maybe possibly a help page, tips-n-tricks.... Most people never read it anyway, so I don't know if it would be worth doing. </LI>[/list]

So, those this is the "state of the website" address.
Comments welcome.
Thanks Martina...'A Preview Post' box would be good, sometimes when you re-read something in a different text box you see some errors or omissions.
I try to use the 'Spell-Check' feature on my browser, don't know where I downloaded that from, but it works like a charm...if I remember to use it. Perhaps you could offer the Spell-Check download site to others, if we could locate it...I found the download site on a different Forum..

I submitted a couple more recipes today..being as I have some time on my 'hand'...boogered up a shoulder so can't do much...typing is coming along with 1+1/2 hands, but often making mistakes...the submission mistake may have been a clumsy mistake on my part.
My recipes seem to have a pattern going....berry wine, berry wine...berry wine..need some inspiration from others....HINT HINT HINT!!!!
We do make alot of apple wine too, but I have a juice extractor and don't know how to tell people how to extract their juices as I have never done the 'chop-crush' method...I just pour in the juice...great wines!!!
The Dandelion Wine looks interesting...come spring we usually have a bumper crop of those. Do you wash and dry the flowers, then remove the petals???
Will keep looking for recipes from others on the Site....Thanks for all you effort in making this recipe site a success.
Will look for the spell-check function and offer it. Probably over the weekend. Thanks for the tip -- it's on my to-do list already!

Hello...I found the Site for the ieSpell...
It was on the Post Reply box on another Forum...I downloaded it and now have Spell Check on everything I enter on any page, anywhere except on my Emails...
I use MS Internet Explorer and always had the icon 'abc' with a check mark under it at the top of the page, but it was never functionable....till I downloaded the Spell Check from this Site...
Now I just have to remember to use it..it does not help with grammer...

Perhaps who ever is in charge of the Fine Vine Wines Web Pages could add this feature to this Post Reply box.
http://www.iespell.com/download.phpEdited by: Northern Winos
Okay..I submitted some of my recipes...pretty boreing...berry wine...berry wine...apple wine...need some inspiration for something else...come on...post some recipes....going to have an empty carboy some day.
Marina...I see you did some 'house-keeping' there, but don't get the recipe from asdfasdf....am I missing something????
Also, some of the photos I tried to UpLoad were rejected, they were the same size as other photos...no big deal, just thought you might want to know that...don't fuss over it.Edited by: Northern Winos

Yes, some housekeeping was done. Recipes are updated, and so on. BTW, your recipes are certainly not boring! I think they are great! Good job, and thank you very much. We now need to get some of the others to type in their recipes.

We added the "Kit Wine" category, so please enter your kit wines. Kit Wine Yeast, as a general yeast type (sicne the kit wine manufacturers do not offer what type they use) is also in the drop-down menu for everyone.

asdfasdf was just a test for me. It will be deleted soon.

Since my husband is on call the entire weekend, I will ask him as soon as he's recovered about deleting the pictures on the PDF file. It's not so bad if the recipe is not so long, but the longer the recipe, the pictures overlap it.

I will aslo ask if he could be so kind as to do the "preview post" section. Yesterday, he spent all his free time for my area: Update and edit area, so if mistakes are made, I don't have to go running to him to change it.

I don't know why the photos weren't loaded. Let me check it out and get back to everyone.

It's been quite hectic around here, so I hope it's okay. I'll try to get to it as soon as we both can.
Thanks Martina...think the Site is great...will be checking back to see if others will also post their recipes.
It's not so painful to type in your recipes.....am sure that there are lots of ideas out there that would be fun to try.
We have a total of 50 wine recipes in our database!!!!

Of these
<TABLE width="100%">
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">
14 Fruit wines
9 Berry wines
3 Grape wines
5 Vegetable wines
8 Flower wines
4 Herb wines
2 Mead wines
2 Mix wines
3 Kit wine wines
1 Other wines
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">
14 Red wines
18 White wines
11 Rose wines
8 Other wines

Our top submitters are:

Greengrocer - submitted 2 wine recipes.
MedPretzel - submitted 32 wine recipes.
Northern Winos - submitted 10 wine recipes.

We are looking for more recipes and evaluations.
Okay, Version 2 is up and running!!!!

What you get:
<LI>Preview Recipe</LI>
<LI>Updated PDFs (no pics)</LI>[/list]
Thank you PeterCooper for entering in your yummy-looking recipe!


We now have a total of 59 recipes! That's practically 2 recipes per day!

Keep up the good work, everyone!
Martina - What programming language is being used to develop the site? VB, ASP, ASP.Net or straight CGI?

Well...I submitted a couple more recipes, nothing fancy, just berry/fruit variations.
The first one I submitted I used the preview feature and was pleased...the second recipe I was feeling pretty confident and didn't preview it...now I see a couple Boo-Boo's...

FYI....on the Rhubarb/Strawberry [or Raspberry]/Red Grape Recipe...
It should read...
8+ POUNDS of sugar
10 POUNDS of frozen Rhubarb [not ounces]

Sorry about this....

Guess it's too cold for my brain to work!!!
Want to mention....while preparing the submission sometimes the page would disappear and another odd page would appear, so had to start posting the recipe over again....
Also ...occasionally when I am preparing a Post Reply on this Forum a unexplained box or page will appear....does anyone else have trouble like this???It only happens occasionally....just thought I would mention it...Edited by: Northern Winos
Mistakes fixed. :)

Want to mention....while preparing the submission sometimes the page would disappear and another odd page would appear, so had to start posting the recipe over again....

I'm not sure if this is on our side or yours, since you get it also on this forum. Plus, how long do you type for that it then does it (?? Thinking of a "timed-out" error?)??

Also a nice tip that I like to do is type out the methods and comments (what takes longer) in a program like "Notepad" or "Word" or some other typing program. With word, typos can be easily eliminated and you can save it for later, if you happen to need to leave the computer. All you have to do is go into "Edit" press "Select All" then right mouse-button on the highlighted text and left-click on "copy". Switch to the website's text box (methods or comments, whichever you are doing it for) and right-click on the text box, left click on "Paste". (Short terminology: Cut-n-paste.) Voila, there you have your text in the text box.

Thanks NW for adding a few more recipes to our database. We need to get more from others as well, although PeterCooper has entered his recently, and Masta updated his mead recipe. Woohoo!

Again, I am urging people to enter also their kit wines. We can get a good database of tasting notes in there once we've got a few. I've entered a couple already, so just go to the search buttons at the top (category) and click on kit-wines to see how I added. You can add as little methodology as you'd like, but please add the tasting notes! Especially if you tweaked a kit wine: Might be nice to see how it turned out!

Please enter your recipes!!!
well, updating is usually my job. I go into a "moderator" area and update it myself.

What would you like to update?
Well, I put in one recipe so far for my apple Cranberry quite a wile back and
it is becoming somewhat drinkable now. I'd like to update the final
comments more than anything else.Edited by: peterCooper
PM them to me, and I'll get to it asap... :)

Sorry, I've been a bit (very) busy lately, haven't been on much, but soon.... :)

As a newbie I have only made kits and one vintners harvest black
currant which adjusted to my own sweetness by condensing some
black currant juice down on the stove and adding at the end before
stabilizing, but I am currently making a 6 gal. canned pear wine based
somewhat on your canned plum wine. When its done and I can see how it
came out I will post it. How long after making would you like it up
there. In ex. 6 months aging or first bottling and upgrade later. I
love your site and this forum. There is so much to learn. My friend who
has been making wine for two years without the internet, just kits,
introdused me to making wine. Now he's asking me me how to do stuff
because I'm always reading all the posts and learning. Just wish I had
more money to buy ingredients to make more wines. Thanks y'all.

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