WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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please do not let one person's comment sour this thread. I have been enjoying reading it and i think the fun (unofficial) contest is still on. If i have said anything that has offended any of you who are part of this contest then i apologize.

How could that be remotely possible? :)
I for one have been really enjoying the banter in this thread and am waiting with baited breath to find out who ends up winning! I somehow feel personally vested after following the thread for so long :)
Ok, now I know why I got exactly ZERO responses to my thread suggesting an official WMT wine making contest. Nobody is taking the fun out of this for me! At the very least, I've got a batch of very good strawberry wine to drink. My wife likes it, and she's my muse!

This contest is not going to die...:ts We rock on! :r

There was ever only two rules. 1) Everyone uses the same wine kit; and 2) we all use strawberries somewhere in the mix. Everything else is up for grabs, folks, including the shipping date. Since none of you know who the judges are, you can't send yours out until I (and our esteemed mystery judges) give the go-ahead. So, if I gotta go Gestapo, I will. :w And if you all drop out 'cause you don't like it <:(> then I win by default. :db

:u Looking at the pros and cons of it, we're going with the pros. We're giving Sara (and everyone else) four more weeks. The longer mine sits in the bottle, the more likely I am to win! Any objections?...Good!

The funniest part is that anyone is even getting the slightest bit serious about this contest...:)Let the wine making fun continue! :b
Ima have my own contest. I will open the second bottle of 30 of these contest wine bottles tonight (28 left after that), and continue to drink them up with regularity. The contest is, who finishes first? Will there be a couple bottles left when it is send-off time? Or will Jim have polished them all off?

(Oooo, maybe I should contact A&E - this sounds like a "reality" show script!) :)
We have not opened any bottles since they were bottled. We never even consider opening a bottle until it is 6 months or more from the start date.
I for one have been really enjoying the banter in this thread and am waiting with baited breath to find out who ends up winning! I somehow feel personally vested after following the thread for so long :)

(I knew something smelled in here - it's Bell's baited breath!)

Hi Guys, I've been catching up today and really wanted to jump in with something clever but dang, this is just too good all by itself. It's more like a Wine and Comedy Club than anything else. Got to love it, when's the next one start?
Not us Dave, once was enough. Jim the advantage of having over 800 bottles in the cellar allows us to wait for proper aging before even sampling. We do sample at bottling but then not again for many months.
Not us Dave, once was enough. Jim the advantage of having over 800 bottles in the cellar allows us to wait for proper aging before even sampling. We do sample at bottling but then not again for many months.

OK, get one of THOSE then ... :)
Not us Dave, once was enough. Jim the advantage of having over 800 bottles in the cellar allows us to wait for proper aging before even sampling. We do sample at bottling but then not again for many months.

No worries, here.

"Proper aging" is realtive, Sammy. I have a good friend who loves my wines...young. He likes the tartness that comes with the recently bottled. He won't drink the aged stuff. Says it's too smooth. :sm
I got 'er open. That's a pretty good young wine. Should easily place last! I'd suggest the judges let all of our wines breathe a bit before tasting them. I think that'd help them all be better. But then, that would be a rule, wouldn't it? :)

Sorry about the condensation - we've had the house open the past few nice fall days but now it has turned humid again.

Time to get back to the reason I make wine and get drunk! :D
Dave I was wondering if you could add a few rules. Could we do only 500ml, green burgandy bottles only. All bottles must be labeled with labels made by the winemaker and only printed on laser printers. No decorative capsules but cork must have a wax seal. Also all volumes should be measured and be withing -5 +5 of the 500ml. Two bottles should be sent so judges can share the good wines with heir friends. Just a few fun things...keep it simple. By the way the kool aid didn't work on my entry but thank God I have a few weeks to whip something else up now. I'm thinking about a fortified strawberry slush.