White Zinfandel

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Scott B

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Finished my Second Kit.
WE Sel. Original White Zinfandel

Thanks tepe,

I have the following in the works:
IM Black Raspberry Merlot Clearing and should be ready the bottle at the end of May.
IMBlackberry CabernetClearing and should be ready the bottle at the end of May.
CC Barbera and a MM Cabernet Sauvignon bulk aging for a few months.
I have four more kits in the box waiting for me to start. Maybe this weekend.
Sound like winner to me See what you can do? What a great hobby err .. (obsession)

I started to rack my 11 - 6 gallon buckets of Chilean juice today. Mmm smell like a winery here.
Congrats. That is a great kit. I have made it many times. I do not like White Zin at all but I can drink that kit. It actually has some flavor over the commercial wines.
Very Nice! Wonderful color and a great label. Makes you sad to think about opening it doesn't it?... NOT!