Rosé from finished Pinot Noir

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Tony Rose

Sep 19, 2021
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I know this is kind of an odd post but I am considering kegging (adding CO2) and turning some of my very light bodied Pinot Noir into a rosé. From grapes 2021 harvest fermented dry but I have no idea what the acidity is. I have done this previously with white zinfandel fresh juice pails with a splash of red grape concentrate. The Keg stays in the fridge and the CO2 makes a very nice crisp summer rosé!
Ideas for lightening it up? I have some pinot grigio, gewerstraminer, viognier. My kids love doing bench trials!!
I know this is kind of an odd post but I am considering kegging (adding CO2) and turning some of my very light bodied Pinot Noir into a rosé. From grapes 2021 harvest fermented dry but I have no idea what the acidity is. I have done this previously with white zinfandel fresh juice pails with a splash of red grape concentrate. The Keg stays in the fridge and the CO2 makes a very nice crisp summer rosé!
Ideas for lightening it up? I have some pinot grigio, gewerstraminer, viognier. My kids love doing bench trials!!

Odd seems to be par for the course for WMT!

So to be clear, you’re wanting to take a light Pinot Noir and lighten it even further? It really depends on what flavors you prefer. I can easily see the Gewurz overpowering the PN if you add too much. If all you want to do is lighten the color, I would add a white like the Grigio or Viognier, my best guess is the Viognier, with its sweetness might bring out some hidden flavors from the PN.