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That looks like a nice ride the last new one I brought was back in 1979 got me a Mercury Cougar

Our last new car purchase was a 1979 Granada. I think that dates us a bit.:)

Ya but is that his car or her car that is the question now

This one is all mine. Itsuko's ride is a 2004 Toyota Rav4. Go figure that she would like a Japanese car. :sm

Ford has come out with some nice looking vehicles lately. Congrats on the new purchase. Ours won't be for another 2 years. My wife will get a new vehicle, I'll take her 04 Jeep Cherokee with 100+k on it and my daugher will likely end up with my 06 Jeep Liberty. I figure by then it will have about 65k on it. Somehow I ended up with the oldest vehicle in that deal, but, Oh well.

I need to start looking for a newer truck. My 96 Ranger has rusted pretty much out. The frame has been welded twice, rust coming out everywhere, gas tank held on with wire, brake lines keep rusing out and now last week coming home from the market, the rear spring shackle bracket disintegrated and the springs are up against the bed. I don't dare drive it anymore and it isn't worth fixing again. Now all I need is some money to get a new one........................

With retirement being close I just didn't look forward to wrenching on the car I traded in. (2004 Olds Alero). The new Fusion seems peppy enough with the 4 cylinder engine but if I need some fun I'll get my Fiero out.

When we went to the Ford dealer the first car we test drove was the Focus. Then we went for a ride in the Fusion. The difference sold Itsuko on the car. It was like I did it this way on purpose.
Ford has come out with some nice looking vehicles lately. Congrats on the new purchase. Ours won't be for another 2 years. My wife will get a new vehicle, I'll take her 04 Jeep Cherokee with 100+k on it and my daugher will likely end up with my 06 Jeep Liberty. I figure by then it will have about 65k on it. Somehow I ended up with the oldest vehicle in that deal, but, Oh well.

Well that kinda goes by age doesn't it except for wifes vehicle I mean your the oldest so you get oldest then wives always get first dibs on anything new then kids get next right??? thats how it goes in most households.:)
When I turned 50 years old several years ago I bought a new Honda Accord. That was the first new car I ever bought. All my other cars were about 5 yrs old when I bought them. This was kind of a gift to myself that year.
Got up fired up the woodstove checked my skeeter pee & Tea and added the last of the juice and yeast energizer snapped the lids down and put the airlocks on! couple more days to go and then transfer to my secondary! Can't hardly wait to try some of this stuff smells great!

FML taking the wife shopping! That is if she ever gets her butt into gear!
Larry post your recipe. I tasted two different plum wines in the last several days and I have to admit it is becoming one of my favorites.

I would like to see the recipe too if you don't mind. Plum is also one of my favorites.
Todays canned Plum Wine

5 - 32oz cans of Aldi's plums
5 pints water
sugar (Use the proper amount-not what I did)
1 tsp. acid blend
1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
1/2 tsp. yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp. yeast energizer

This fills my 2 gallon bucket a couple inches shy from the top and will make a gallon plus a magnum.

I made this earlier this year with 3 cans of plums. It is good but it was a little light on plum and a little heavy on alcohol. So I upped the plum content. The plums are real soft and easy to remove the pits from (especially if you yell out: "Hon, can you help me a minute". Works everytime :i
I put all the plums in a mesh bag and mashed them well before adding the water.

However I messed up. I fully intended a lesser ABV but forgot to account for the sugar content in the extra 2 cans of plums and I added just a little less than the amount of sugar I used with the 3 can batch. So I will still end up with a hot wine. :slp
Note to self - use the hydrometer before adding sugar, not after. :m

That's ok. Even a bad batch of this is not really all that bad.
Thanks! I didn't get around to make a batch this year so this sounds like a good winter project. I'll be sure to use my hydrometer early and often. :)
Larry post your recipe. I tasted two different plum wines in the last several days and I have to admit it is becoming one of my favorites.

I bet you'd love my damson plum wine then it is starting to smooth out really nicely or least it seems to be to me, only thnig is it is surely taking it's time about clearing slowest stuff I ever seen
Ill be your advisor Rich :) yeah right!!!!!!! Today I did the lawn one last time, winterized all lawn equipment and pulled out the snowblower and pulled the plug out and airfilter and cleaned them and gapped the plug which was in good shape. Took the canopy down form the deck so a snow storm wouldnt trash the structure. Now Im paying for all that and ready to pop a pill! I need to go to Staples soon and get some ink so as that I can print some more labels before the wife and kids use it all up. I cant let them know when the ink is full!!!!!!!!
I bought and installed a bulk ink system on ebay a couple months ago. Cost me 25 bucks with shipping for my printer. Took about 20 minutes to install. Works great, and has huge refillable ink tanks with a resettable head to reset the "replace ink" message on your printer. Prices do vary depending on printer but they are all within range of oem refill kit. Link is for example-you must search for your specific model. http://cgi.ebay.com/NON-OEM-CIS-Bul.../140477268825?pt=BI_Toner&hash=item20b5190359

Added the final bottle of lemon juice to my muscadine skeeter pee. Racked and added the brandy, strawberry syrup and sugar to my chocolate strawberry port. Made a banana soup and added that with a pound of raisins to my peppermint candy cane wine. Bought, washed and diced 30# of Sweet potatoes from Walmart for my next wine adventure. (Have them soaking in water with lemon juice until tomorrow). Took my son fishing at a local river, came home and ate left over turkey for supper. Totally exhausted. It's been a great day!
Todays canned Plum Wine

5 - 32oz cans of Aldi's plums
5 pints water
sugar (Use the proper amount-not what I did)
1 tsp. acid blend
1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
1/2 tsp. yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp. yeast energizer

This fills my 2 gallon bucket a couple inches shy from the top and will make a gallon plus a magnum..

Thanks Larry and I agree this'll be a good winter wine to make this year
well had my first really bad incedent making wine tonight:( daughter was moving stuff and knocked a bottle off into my carboys and busted the one full of Petit Verdot it busted down one side and I've now lost all but about a quart of my favorite wine :( I at least got a gallon of it that is fortified but this was my favorite soooooooooooo hardddd.....it gave a valiant fight at least it went in places in the kitchen that haven't been seen in ages...
I'll be in mourning for abit now... man this so sucks
well had my first really bad incedent making wine tonight:( daughter was moving stuff and knocked a bottle off into my carboys and busted the one full of Petit Verdot it busted down one side and I've now lost all but about a quart of my favorite wine :( I at least got a gallon of it that is fortified but this was my favorite soooooooooooo hardddd.....it gave a valiant fight at least it went in places in the kitchen that haven't been seen in ages...
I'll be in mourning for abit now... man this so sucks

Think i would've added Planning daughters funeral tomorrow! at the end. So sorry about your luck, I think i would def cry.
With my animals wife, and a little one on the way there is no way i could have glass carboy's! I really like my better bottles. Oh and Stumbled across one more benefit to them, if you have to much head space and don't have or want to top it off you can take a ratchet strap or belt and squeeze the bottle a little. (Now im not sayin you can crank it way down! so dont crush ur carboys!) But if there is just a little space it works great!
well I prefer the glass all our kids are grown not that seems to matter alot but using glass you always know your not gonna getting nothing outta the glass other than what you put in it