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      Clover reacted to Jovimaple's post in the thread DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine with Like Like.
      You will probably find the original recipe to be very light on fruit, especially if you have been tripling it! 😁
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      Clover replied to the thread DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine.
      Funny (math-disabled, apparently) moment for me making DB - I reduced the recipe to a 1 gal. In doing so, I miscalculated the amount of...
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      Clover replied to the thread Blackberry juice only?.
      Man, you all are lucky with your wild blackberry harvests! I've been picking mine for 2 weeks now, and am giving up. My arms look like...
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      Clover reacted to hounddawg's post in the thread TOOK MY RABBIT HUNTING with Haha Haha.
      he's a good rabbit, he caught this in under 20 minutes Dawg
    • C
      To add to the good advice here, I used frozen pineapple concentrate. I also did use white grape juice instead of water, and used white...
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      Clover replied to the thread Virginia wineries.
      Glasshouse is a good hike from C'ville, and in a spot where there is virtually no cell reception, but worth the visit if there's time or...
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      Clover replied to the thread Virginia wineries.
      As someone who lives 30 minutes from Charlottesville, I've been to most of them! Not sure about how far you want to explore away from...
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      Clover replied to the thread Show Us Your Pets.
      When you make wine, And have the Best Girl.... you make a wine with her nickname.
      • sweet stuff.jpg
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