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going to finish off using my muscadines, and my mustang grapes for a few batches...wash my jeep...clean my tackle box out, clean reels and rods,
go buy some more gulp live...clean my pistol, and my shotgun.
cut grass and weed eat the yard, and grocery shop...
maybe even take a nap.
Range day for me today. The cold and lack of other shooters has me limited to the indoor range. That means all the .22's come out to play at close range. Iirc the range tops out at 25 yards. Most my handy work takes place at the 100-200+ range so 25 yards is only a tease.
Jury Duty today, yuck!

I've only been called for Jury Duty once. That was back in 1993. It was supposed to be a medical malpractice suit but they setteled while we were at lunch and we were sent home before they actually chose a jury...

On another note, I'm all in favor of bringing back public hangings for certain crimes...
Ugh! I've been called for Jury duty TWICE! I never got picked, thank goodness! One time, it was in December, and it kept getting cancelled due to weather. I just lucked out that time. Both my mom and ex-husband were called in the last month. I'm laughing at their misfortune.

As for my what I'm doing today; I'm praying for the will to get up and get some housework done. My mom will be by later, and this place is a WRECK!! Also, I'm using all my inner strength to resist the urge to bottle today. I really have no NEED to, but that Carboy full of Dragon Blood is taunting me. Can ya hear it? It's saying "Giiiiiiiina, Oh Giiiiiina, come and drink me, you know you want to... C'mon girl, you know you want to delight in my berry tastiness... you know you can't resist me..." It's hard to say no to that sweet vixen's siren song.
I just spent about 40 minutes de-labeling about 3 cases of bottles. I used the method of putting them in a 225 F oven to melt the glue. Worked very well for all but 2 bottles.
Mu-hahaha! I did find the get-up-and-go to clean the living room! Unfortunately, 4 yr olds are like mini-tornadoes. So it was all for naught.

Also, I managed to ignore the Dragon Blood siren song. Instead, I opted to start up a 6 gal batch of Old Orchard Blueberry Pomegranate.

Gonna kick back with a glass or .... continue reading (aka getting ideas) on the forums, wait for the hubby to get home and chill.
Taking the day off today to do laundry! And clean the house!

Maybe I should start drinking now...:se
Going to take a ride to the LHBS with my daughter, I had them special order some yeast for a big brew that I'm going to make.
I tasted a beer that I really liked one evening when a buddy and I were taste testing many new beers and a few bottles of our wine, needless to say, everything tastes real good when you've had a bit too much...lol
Like a bone head, I purchased most of the grain and hops before trying one more bottle while I was sober, just to make sure that I really liked it as much as I did the night that were taste testing.....as luck would have it...no, I really didn't "Love" it, but I do think that I can manipulate the recipe a bit to make it more towards the style that I like while still keeping the characteristics the original beer, if that makes any sense.

One of the fun parts of brewing is that when we taste a new beer (new to us) that we like, I usually try to clone it, with most craft beer being as expensive as just under $3.00 per bottle, up to around $10.00 per bottle depending on the type of beer, 6 packs can easily sell for $12, not to mention that many craft breweries are starting to switch over to 4 packs, it makes more sense to brew your own, but big beers like the one I'm going to brew next can easily cost in the upper $40's to brew 6 gallons.
I have a bourbon dubbel cooking now. Later, I'll take my first stab at making spent grain flour. I may use some of the spent grains in some bread later, and if the flour works out, I'll use it in some banana bread tomorrow.
I have a bourbon dubbel cooking now. Later, I'll take my first stab at making spent grain flour. I may use some of the spent grains in some bread later, and if the flour works out, I'll use it in some banana bread tomorrow.

Sounds good! I'll be racking concord port and dragon blood today and starting either tropical daze, white grape peach or black and blueberry something today. Still haven't finished my first cup of coffee maybe I'll know better what I'm going to make after I'm more awake lol
After shoveling, I am hoping to bottle my CC Showcase Old Vines Zin! Then a friend is coming over for dinner; dinner is just an excuse not to drink wine on an empty stomach!
Spent just over a hour digging the car and truck out. Some crazy drifts out there taller than my truck. Did a first pass with the blower but I'm gonna wait till it stops snowing to finish things up. The truck can get out if my wife goes into labor so that's the only important thing
Heading to Penn State Main Campus tomorrow for a Wine Quality Improvement workshop. This is my second year to attend. It is billed as one of the best workshops in the country on this subject. It is a workshop designed to learn and identify all the different wine faults.
Heading to Penn State Main Campus tomorrow for a Wine Quality Improvement workshop. This is my second year to attend. It is billed as one of the best workshops in the country on this subject. It is a workshop designed to learn and identify all the different wine faults.

be safe, roads are not all that great you know.
bottled the elderberry and elderberry blush, aged one year in carboys and boy this stuff is really good. I will now let it bottle age of another year. I found that letting elderberry age two years makes for one dam good elderberry wine!
Just bottled my Blackberry Merlot got 30 bottles from the batch. Next I'm gonna start my Strawberry Lychee. These two are by far my two favorite blends. Ones red and the other is white. Both are approximately 11% to 12% by volume. Now I've got to run down and pickup some sugar to increase the percentage of the Strawberry Lychee. The Strawberry Merlot came out pretty good too. Enjoy the cold, only gonna get colder..... 8(