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I can't get anyone to come to our house for halloween, we are the last house before the next township and that township does not do halloween, they have a big party and everyone things we live in that township.

Not giving out candy is the only reason I don't like living here, it was always a lot of fun giving out candy at my old house.
I've had it with trick or Treaters. Teenagers is a bit old and rude kids. How about parents asking for candy for the kid or kids at home that didn't come. I think I'll eat the candy and give them the wrappers. They'll never know where it came from. LOL
It's usually 40 degrees and raining on halloween here... no fun handing out candy... or taking my own kids when they were little... on a really good year it was sunny and we were blessed! Sometimes it even snows here on halloween. I guess it's different where it's warmer... our house sits awkwardly to be able to see who is coming to the door, then get there with the candy. I also don't need the leftovers, so when my daughters got tired out handing out the candy... I just stopped. Usually I just leave for the day, but the youngest was home from college, so I spent the weekend cooking instead!

All the kids here go down the road about 6 miles and hit the bigger town, Not like they know anyone there. THEN they come back here and go around at around 8 or 9pm ..... I'd rather be working on wine then running to the door for some candy greedy kids.

SO I just put a bowl out on the porch with candy and do my thing!
For the last 15 years I've been dressing up in my scary costume to pass out candy. The little kids I don't scare as much as I do the bigger ones. Of course my wife tells me to grow up and act like an adult. :D I say that you're only as old as you feel!
I had a few tonight that I scared the life out of. :b

Copy of My costume.jpg
LOL, I'm glad to see someone is still enjoying Halloween. Nice pic Rick
We haven't had a kid at the house in ages for candy. We are out a ways from town. We had a pack of coyotes show up howling, but that is all........................Were they really coyotes, or screaming banshees? I guess we will never know............
For the last 15 years I've been dressing up in my scary costume to pass out candy. The little kids I don't scare as much as I do the bigger ones. Of course my wife tells me to grow up and act like an adult. :D I say that you're only as old as you feel!
I had a few tonight that I scared the life out of. :b

Rick, I have a suggestion! Next year, wear a costume!! LOL
Last night I started another batch of Niagara. This time, I'm experimenting a little with some spice; Mulling Spice to be specific. I put the whole six ounce can in the primary fermenter. Man, does that stuff smell good. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Seems like it would make a great holiday wine.
Let's see if this loads.
Here is what you do with extra wine bottles.

View attachment 3054


I thought about doing that last year with my blue bottles (they are my least favorite) but decided it was a bit tacky if it wasn't in just the right place. There is a reason people place bottle trees in the yard. I think the belief is it drives off evil sprits.
The spirits get trapped in the bottles and you are spared!! It kept the trick or treaters away... I guess it works!!

What a horrible day at the school district today. Came in this morning to learn that one of our 17 year students had died last night. She was texting while driving, lost control of her car and slammed driver's side door into a tree. She was a very bright and very pretty girl, what a shame.
What a tradegy. I guess she hadn't signed the no texting pledge. What a shame.

I like the new cars with the built in link to cell phones. It takes one risk factor out of driving and cell phones. I still don't even own one of them myself. I used to have one for work, but now I don't want one.

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