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Homemade Wine Enthusiast
Feb 24, 2012
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Crunch... Glug, glut, glug. It's a sad day for my batch of Skeeter Pee, most of which ended up on the floor tonight. It was a freak accident, but one of my 1 gallon jugs hit my 5 gallon carboy perfectly on the shoulder and popped a 3" hole, draining most of my skeeter pee. Argh! Suffice to say it was a mess to clean up and a total loss (frown). At least it wasn't my other carboy which contains a nicely aging Chateau View du Roi, and SP is pretty cheap. Oh well, things happen.

Sorry to hear of your loss. I am so glad to hear it wasn't the good wine!
I appreciate flying the flags at half staff. It's never fun losing something you've worked hard at, and the wife didn't appreciate all the wet towels. A little bleach and lots of floor scrubbing and we're as good as gold (minus the 5 gallons of SP).
Knock on wood I have never done that! That really blows! Glad. It wasn't you're good stuff!
So Sorry. I am been so close to having something like that happen, but I have been very lucky so far. I have clanked my carboy together accidentally and have been very surprised they didn't come apart. What a mess that would be!
So Sorry. I am been so close to having something like that happen, but I have been very lucky so far. I have clanked my carboy together accidentally and have been very surprised they didn't come apart. What a mess that would be!

To say it was a mess is an understatement, and I received a few "I told ya so's" from the wife. Lesson learned - paper bags are not the best storage vessels for 1 gallon carboys. It tore and dropped onto the carboy. My fault for not taking it out of the paper bag sooner when I brought it home from the brew shop. It could have been worse though.... The whole carboy could have exploded instead of just poking a hole in it.
Oh well now you get to go back to the LHBS, who knows what all you will come home with this time.