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This is the 26th day that we have let this clear. On monday, will be racking to a clean and sanitized carboy to be put in the basement for a few months. So, that brings me to a question, should we rack off the lees now or let it sit for a few months on the lees before we add the k-meta and do our bottling?

It sure has come a long ways. I would rack it to another container and try to degas again. It still isn't real clear and may still have some gas in it keeping it from clearing good. Then maybe add 1/4 tsp k-meta , top up and let it sit for a while and bottle.
Appleman is correct. You never want to bulk age on any less that have a clearing agent in them, if they were just the less form clearing without fining agents then that what be OK or even beneficial in some circumstances. I too would add the extra S02 and degas as it should be clearer then it is unless it is a bad picture, it should look like a commercial bottle of wine.
My wife is on her way to pick up some Riesling so we can rack to another carboy and have some for topping off.The picture is a little cloudy because the carboy is actually really clear. Should we rack it and then degass again and let it sit for some time before we top off then? I'll post a picture with a glass of wine from this carboy and a glass of Riesling to compare. I certainly value your opinions and want to do this correctly. If Symphony tastes like Riesling, it will be very, very good tasting. Is it ok to take some for a taste test when we rack to the other carboy?
Most commercial Rieslings are sweeter then what you have but you can
sweeten it back to get it where you want. I posted that about the
clearness cause pictures dont always show what you have. The yellow 1 was my Symphony after a little bulk aging.
It is mandatory you take some for a taste whenever you rack it
nice looking line up there wade,and yes waldo I believe its an unspoken tradition,I think,well may be,it sounds right any way now I can see were the quaility comes from//jp

That is crystal clear Wade. Ours is not at that point yet. I will heed your advice Waldo. If I got this straight now, I'll rack it, degass, add k-meta, top it off and then put it in the basement to bulk age. Oh, and then decide what to order next, any suggestions?
What kinds of wine do you like? Big Reds, more whites, fruit wines? If you like Fruit wines the Vintners harvest wine base cans are good but you need 2 or 3 depending on which 1 you buy to make a 6 gallon kit. As far as reds go, get big kits.
I would like to try a fruit wine next. Been following along on the strawberry, sounds so good.
You can make it out of the Vintners Harvest wine bases or from fresh fruit. You will need a fermenting bag of some sort. I like the actual thing like George sells but you can also use a leg from nylons. You will also need some sugar and acid blend and pectic enzyme, yeast nutrient and energizer. All these things are pretty cheap and will last you many batches except for the sugar. I recommend the Black Currant wine base as it really has some nice flavor and body. If you are going to make this one then it will require 2 cans per 6 gallons. Some will require in my opinion another 1/2 can to start. I would get the third can anyway to back sweeten if you want them sweet but you can use a simple syrup made up of sugar and water or a W.E. wine conditioner if you like but I and some others find that it gives it an off flavor.
Fruit Bases, Energizer, Nutrient,
<table ="Catalog" id="products" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="table" align="default" width="2%"><div align="center">5054 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Straining Bag, Large Fine

Fine, 18-3/4" X 19"</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$6.99</td></tr></t></table>
<table ="Catalog" id="products" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="table" align="default" width="2%"><div align="center">6120A </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Acid Blend - 2 oz.

compound is used to raise the acidity of wine, thus increasing
tartness. It is comprised of equal amounts of malic, tartaric, and
citric acids.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$1.39</td></tr></t></table>
<table ="Catalog" id="products" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="table" align="default" width="2%"><div align="center">6355A </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Potassium Sorbate - Used to stabilize wine 1 oz.

Potassium sorbate is used to slow down yeast growth and inhibit fermentation, thus "stabilizing" your wine prior to bottling.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$1.74</td>
<td width="2%">
</td></tr></t></table><table ="Catalog" id="products" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="table" align="default" width="2%"><div align="center">
7370A </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Pectic Enzyme Solution - 15 ml.

enzyme increases juice yields from fruits by breaking down cellular
structure. Also acts as a clarifier, and is used to clear hazes caused
by residual pectins.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$2.99</td></tr></t></table>
You could need k-meta and a fining agent like SuperKleer also but you dont need that if you just want to let time do its thing. An acid test is also recomennded but you dont have to get 1, just play it by taste as many do cause they dont always work great with darker wines. Everyone who has tried the Black currant loved it and there is a recipe for it right on the can.
take it from me the black currant is awsome I had some of wades and you would be supprised ,the taste and complexity,aroma,oh ya,this is on my list

Just got home from work and am now just catching up. The Black Currant sounds very good, so I think that is the one. The other day I sat and figured out my wish list but hadn't decided on what flavor wine wouldmake our list.That will be going on the list now. Will be racking the WE Symphony tomorrow. Will post some pictures of the clarity. Have our fingers crossed that it will be very clear.
Moose, don't worry if it is not perfectly clear at this point. You will probably get some of the lees from the bottom anyway. Just let it sit and bulk age and it will clear. For sparkling clarity I like to use the VineBrite gravity filter that George sells. I filtered a chard yesterday. It looked clear in the carboy after two months of bulk aging, but it looks better after filtering.
Thanks for input PeterZ. The filter was our wish list also having read all the good reviews from the resident winemakers here.
Just a few more pictures to share with everyone. We racked the wine into a sanitized carboy, degassed for a while with the Dewalt, added k-meta and then topped it off. Brought it down in the basement to sit for a few months.

This is just racking it from one to the other:


This is just another racking picture, but it also has the Boss in it!


Here is a comparison between the WE Symphony on the left and a Riesling fresh from the bottle, store bought. And Waldo, the Symphony tastes pretty good. Maybe a little harsh, but the potential is definately there.


Thanks to everyone for the help! This was our 2nd journey into the wine making but not the last. The End.
Looks very good Moose. After 6 to 8 months in a bottle, this will become one of your favorites. We are Riesling drinkers and have enjoyed our symphony after about a year in the bottle.................. Of course we enjoy many other also......... as a matter of fact...... we enjoy all of them......
Lets see a pic of the clean full carboy there moose, I bet it looks much better now. You have a lovely wife and you even have her helping you already, I still havent learned that trick!

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