Thought I would say hi

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Nov 10, 2010
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I just thought that I would jump in and say hi. I joined up earlier this afternoon.

I have been a home brewer here in Northern Nevada for a few years and this last weekend a neighbor of ours asked if the wine that I was opening was one of the ones that I made. I had never really thought of making wine up until that point. It kind of planted a seed in my head and I have spent the last 4 days reading up on wine making. While there are a few similarities to brewing it isn't the same and I will be looking forward to trying my hand at it. Much like I did when I started brewing I am just going to start with some wine kits and see where that takes me.

After all, there just doesn't seem to be enough stuff fermenting around here!
Welcome Steve, you'll find lots of information and help here on the forums. Kits are a great way to start, and being a brewer already, it'll be child's play for you. Now you'll need to flip a coin everytime you sit for a meal, beer or wine.
Welcome Steve! This is a great site and lots of knowledgable people on this forum.....

Dont be shy to post some questions or concerns!

Great to have another Steve here. Planting the seed. Years ago my neighbor showed me his 7 carboys filled with wine he was making. It wasn't until a few years later I asked "Hey can you show me how to make wine?" It all started there.

Two days ago I helped my SIL make beer. That's cool too.

You will like this forum. Lots of wonderful people and good info here.

Ckeck out our MAP on home page and pin yourself if you like.
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome!

The "other" Steve - yeah I added myself to the map as well as our local homebrew store. I like to fill out those kind of maps whenever possible. Oh and be careful with dabling in beer brewing, that is another "hobby" that can get out of hand in a hurry!
Just looking thru this we have any "Regular Moderators" or are they all "Super"? Also I didn't realize that I've been coming here so much longer than the others in this thread.

Welcome to SteveL. Just wanted to say that for many here, it's too late for the warning about beer brewing.

Welcome Steve! This is a great place for good information and ideas..
Just looking thru this we have any "Regular Moderators" or are they all "Super"? Also I didn't realize that I've been coming here so much longer than the others in this thread.

Welcome to SteveL. Just wanted to say that for many here, it's too late for the warning about beer brewing.


Yes we have some "Regular Moderators" but whats wrong "Super"? :) Actually if a mod has less and I believe it is 1000 posts they are a moderator, once they past the magic number they become Super moderators.

And I'm glad to have another Steve, those Dan's just like to cause trouble. :tz
Welcome Steve, oh yeah, brewing can also take over your house and cash flow. Please posts a pic of yoiur brewing sytem in the beer area of this forum, youll see Ive spent lots of time and some cash setting mine up.