The only constant is change.....

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Okay, now JohnT is on the list!

John, I never quite understood your old avatar (which I aesthetically liked). Specifically, what was reflected in that glass/chalice/grail?
John, see post #47!

It was the trophy I won for "winemaker of the year" here in NJ.

In hind-sight, perhaps a bit uppity and I have been meaning to change it for quite some time.

The funny bit was when I asked the presenter to pour some wine into it. It was not all one piece and leaked. I ended up having a nice wine bath. All I can say is ... Thank you wine-a-way.
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This didn't make a lot of sense to me until I just noticed Dan's Mad Scientist avatar he currently has....................

Earned me a new avatar... But it was so worth it !!!!

:) :) :)

Dan caught on rather fast;
I was wondering who else might be observant enough to 'get it'
Kinda like Dan turning Julie's poor dog over in her avatar. I thought it looked more comfortable laying on it's back. It stayed that way for a couple days. Those two really had fun with each others avatars.

:) :) :)

Dan, like Shaggy says... "It wasn't me!"
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