Smaller Paycheck

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Not to brag here, but for some reason my paycheck went up by more than 200 dollars...
I dunno. I have had direct deposit since I started working for my company. Been the same paycheck over and over. Then all of a sudden I saw this pay check with more money. I am certainly not complaining.

The only thing I can think of is they rasied the commuter benefits back up to 245 dollars. So I am guessing that it's saving me some cash. Either way, more money=a happier me.
Huh.. I just got my first paycheck for 2013 and it went down by about 60 bucks due to tax increases. I guess there will be less wine in my cellar now.

I had a big isssue with all my clients when we handed their payroll checks for their employees, we got everyone calling and complaining about that (close to 700 calls), so we had to print information from the IRS web site and included in their next paycheck and an explanation about the "fiscal cliff" thing...
Be careful what you wish for

This is just the tip of the, removing backwards. :uS
You know this has been a nice general discussion and everyone was warned about politics so let me say this AGAIN. Keep the politics out of it, I don't want to here about who is in office and how bad or how good they are nor do I want to here about who anyone voted for nor commenting that this is what we are stuck with.

So far it has not seemed very political in that noone has mentioned any parties or candidates. You should be very proud of these folks...

That said, to chime in here, There is no way we will stop paying social security. Once the government taps a source of income, that tap is never shut off. Much like when tax increases occur, they very RARELY ever get reduced! Once they have your money, they never give it back!

The other issue is that the government seems to have lost sight of the concept of "return on investment". Take Fema for example. After Sandy (and being a New Jersey resident) I saw first hand that FEMA does nothing but eat up billions of tax dollars. If this sort of thing was privatized, a whole lot more would have been accomplished, for a lot less money, and a whole lot sooner!

Julie - If this has crossed the line, please delete this post with no hard feelings.

So far it has not seemed very political in that noone has mentioned any parties or candidates. You should be very proud of these folks...

That said, to chime in here, There is no way we will stop paying social security. Once the government taps a source of income, that tap is never shut off. Much like when tax increases occur, they very RARELY ever get reduced! Once they have your money, they never give it back!

The other issue is that the government seems to have lost sight of the concept of "return on investment". Take Fema for example. After Sandy (and being a New Jersey resident) I saw first hand that FEMA does nothing but eat up billions of tax dollars. If this sort of thing was privatized, a whole lot more would have been accomplished, for a lot less money, and a whole lot sooner!

Julie - If this has crossed the line, please delete this post with no hard feelings.

JohnT, I am proud of our members, lol, but I want to make sure no one gets upset.

And yes you are right about FEMA, remember Katrina, you would think they would learn from past events but they don't.

No Johnt, you did not cross the line, you always seem to make your point without crossing any lines and I thank you for that. One of these days you and I are going to meet and I am going to so enjoy that meeting, hope you are willing to meet with me.
Julie, as the moderator, your job is draw the line in the sand. We, as posters, need to test that line with each post. You, as the Mom of the site, need to either whack us back across the line when we cross it, or allow us to move the line.

You have more than fair when moderating. Keep drawing that line. :n
Anybody that wants to know how privatizing government agencies does NOT save you anything in tax dollars. PM me.

My employer is a perfect example..........

Privatization is supposed to bring in competition, which drives prices down. The problem with govt' is that many times it sole sources to a single private company and does not shop the market, hence prices stay up (there is no incentive for the sole source company to lower thier price). Economics, whether it be by competition and when not influenced by foolish gov't rules, will bring down the price.

A prime example is the post office. The post office refuses to regulate itself, so it operates in a deficit. To offset the deficit, the post office raises the price of stamps. With the stamp price up, less people mail things and revenue goes down. What does the post office do? It raises the stamp price and less people send mail and revenue goes down. Meanwhile, UPS, Fed Ex and email make mailing things cheaper, so people naturally gravitate to those. Gov't looses and continues to raise its prices on stamps. Meanwhile, private industry has to continue to seek efficiency in order to make a profit. Gov't doesn't do this.
Well, the postal service is operating at a deficit because congress in 2006 required it to prepay its retirement funds for 75 years into the future. This is taking billions in revenue from the operation of the postal service. Without this unprecedented mandate they would be operating more efficiently than private companies. It's not the government run institutions that are the problem, it's the self important legislators that get in the way and micromanage.
The line in the sand just dissapeared from a HaBub moving through. No more pushing it. This started out as a gripe about a smaller paycheck- let's not tear down any government agencies here...............or the government...............
Old sayings

The line in the sand just dissapeared from a HaBub moving through. No more pushing it. This started out as a gripe about a smaller paycheck- let's not tear down any government agencies here...............or the government...............

I tried very hard to stay out! Kept reading and not posting. Just couldn't stop myself. :)

I think it's time to open a bottle of wine and forget about it.

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