Silicone Air Locks - Anyone used them?

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Dec 15, 2014
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Has anyone used the silicone bungs with waterless airlocks? I bought a couple, but I'm nervous about using them. Am I being crazy? They just don't seem like thay'd give as 100% or an airtight seal as a real waterfilled airlock. But I'm frusterated because I had my second airlock in a year go dry. (the three piece airlock)
I have read several posts about tghem and hav e never heard of a problem. I will use them soon.
I use them almost exclusively. I've been really busy here lately and the last thing I need is to worry about my airlocks going dry. Gives me a little piece of mind not worrying about it now.
I did get some mold once when using a silicone airlock. Nothing horrible, kmeta to the rescue.