Rack to secondary or wait???

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Nov 19, 2010
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I have an apple grape peach mango, 1 gal batch going in primary. I was planning to transfer to secondary when SG reaches 1.010 (Brix 2.5598). Batch has been in primary for 8-days, fermentation has slowed a great deal. SG for last 3-days has been 1.0294, 1.0285 and 1.0269. Should I go ahead and transfer??? I used Montrachet yeast.
SG = 1.054 using hydrometer (before sugar addition)
Brix = 13.70 using refractometer (before sugar addition)
PH = 3.48 (before sugar addition)
SG = 1.095 using hydrometer (after sugar addition)
Brix = 22.65 using refractometer (after sugar addition)
Temp = 78F
Rh = 49%
the fun of wine making... you can decide if you want it to go dry..(.990) are stop where it is and use the residual sugar....
even where your sg is now , it will be pretty dry.
I would leave it in the carboy for awhile, what is your temp? And are you stirring it everyday?
I would leave it in the primary for a while. The yeast is slowing down but still working. If you decide to transfer it to the secondary, leave some headspace, at least for a while (a day or two). Mixing a bunch of oxygen in when you transfer can make the ferment go fast again. Then you come up with the wine volcano. (Read that as clean up a mess.) I would actuallly wait til at least 1.010 to transfer, but that is my choice. Good luck with it, Arne.
Thanks for the replies...I will keep it in the primary for a little while longer. I stir (actually slosh) twice daily; once before I go to work and then when I get home. I'll keep checking the Brix daily as I started 2~3 days ago..maybe check twice on the weekend; but I think it may go into the secondary this weekend. It just depends on the Brix.

I have yet to determine my own personal dry/sweet tolerance of wines...I do tend to develop a sweet around the holidays. If too dry, I'll backsweeten. I think I need to read up again on back sweetening and using K-meta and sorbate.

I like using my refractometer compared to using the hydrometer all the time. I can see myself using the refractometer as a replacement for the hydrometer...well maybe 99% of the time. Thanks again