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    • M
      Monnster replied to the thread SP done fermenting.
      Good afternoon, thank you for this information. Fermentation seems to be completely finished. I will likely add the sorbate and then I...
    • M
      Monnster replied to the thread SP done fermenting.
      Just saw this response. I did not use a sterile filter for this filtration. The SG has not dropped for 9 days and has stayed consistent...
    • M
      Monnster replied to the thread SP done fermenting.
      Good afternoon Bob, sorry I left those details out. I started the SP on 3/30 primary ended on 4/12 and on same day racked into carboy...
    • M
      Monnster posted the thread SP done fermenting in Skeeter Pee.
      Good afternoon everyone, I know there are many variables to knowing if my SP is done fermenting. However, I wanted to check and see...
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