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thank you cintipam, i found them,,,
i have a few boxs full, my grand mother was a rock hound,since i could walk she would take me with her. I still wonder the creek beds and fresh plowed field.

this is my pride and joy of my collection
i hold this in my hand, and think about the craftsman that made such a tiny thing
with so much detail.
maybe it was an old man, who sat around the fire, to aged to hunt, but still with usefull skills?
fire crackling in the back ground, slight cool breeze blowing across his face as he quietly, with great skill and years of practice, knapps arrows for his family
using a bit of deer skin in one hand, the antler from a large prize buck in his other hand.
from a hunt years ago. when he was the sole hunter for his family.

Good for you Ben! Yes that is one subject that we cannot and will not talk about on this forum (moonshine). It is illegal in the U.S.and we don't want to draw any unwanted attention to anyone.
Good for you Ben! Yes that is one subject that we cannot and will not talk about on this forum (moonshine). It is illegal in the U.S.and we don't want to draw any unwanted attention to anyone.

I'm amazed at how much confusion there is on the net about this. I run across people all the time posting that distilling is legal in the U.S. as long as you don't sell it. Ummm, WRONG!
May you go forth under the strength of heaven, under the light of sun, under the radiance of moon;
May you go forth with the splendor of fire, with the speed of lightning, with the swiftness of wind;
May you go forth supported by the depth of sea, by the stability of earth, by the firmness of rock;
May you be surrounded and encircled, with the protection of the nine elements.

O Thou who kindly dost provide
For every creature's want!
We bless Thee, God of Nature wide,
For all thy goodness lent.
And, if it please Thee, heavenly Guide,
May never worse be sent;
But, whether granted or denied,
Lord bless us with content.

May the best ye hae ivver seen be the warst ye'll ivver see.
May the moose ne'er lea' yer girnal wi a tear-drap in its ee.
May ye aye keep hail an hertie till ye'r auld eneuch tae dee.
May ye aye juist be sae happie as A wuss ye aye tae be.

The above, in translation, reads:
May the best you have ever seen be the worst you will ever see.
May the mouse never leave your grain store with a tear drop in its eye.
May you always stay hale and hearty until you are old enough to die.
May you still be as happy as I always wish you to be.
I know you guys have seen it a thousand times.

i think it looks cool 4 levels who has a 5 or a 6 ?

clearing 008.jpg
I'm amazed at how much confusion there is on the net about this. I run across people all the time posting that distilling is legal in the U.S. as long as you don't sell it. Ummm, WRONG!

So not to get too far into "this" issue.

I am amazed that for "this" to be a not-to-be-talked-about issue on here, that there is a link to a Home Distilling Forum on this Forum.

Also, if "this" is illegal, as I presume it is, a) why is there a link on this site to one about "it" and b) are all those people over there committing a crime by making "it", selling equipment for "it", etc.?
We do NOT allow any discussion of distilling on WMT. The forum you are referencing is a forum that is owned by the same company BUT the server resides outside the US in a Country that allows distillation and talk about such matters.
We do NOT allow any discussion of distilling on WMT. The forum you are referencing is a forum that is owned by the same company BUT the server resides outside the US in a Country that allows distillation and talk about such matters.

Yeah, I get that, hence the use of "this" and "it" and not the word distilling, I was simply asking a question about some logistics.

Again, odd that Forum is even listed on here in the first place.

I guess that makes some sense since thier discussions are going on where it is legal.
I did a little research..

1) There is only one country where unlicensed distilling is legal.. New Zealand.

2) in the US, Federal laws sometimes conflict with state laws.

3) According to federal law, it is perfectly legal to OWN a still of any size, be it 1 gallon or 100 gallon size. It is perfectly legal to distill water, essential oils, etc. or to have a still for decoration. What is illegal is using said still for distilling alcohol.

4) Federal law provides NO exemptions for production of distilled spirits for either personal or family use.

Now, state laws can either be more strict or less strict with their laws. Even if your state allows distilling for personal use (which I doubt), you will still be violating federal law if you go down that road.

I think that the policy here is that we do not want to encourage anyone to break the law. Even if owning a still or talking about distillation is legal, the fact remains that we would be encouraging others to break the law given that we are a winemaking website.

In that spirit, My vote would be to remove the link to the distillation forum (if at all possible). I agree that it is odd that we have a strict "no still talk" policy here, but have a link to a distillation web site.

... just saying.....
In that spirit, My vote would be to remove the link to the distillation forum (if at all possible). I agree that it is odd that we have a strict "no still talk" policy here, but have a link to a distillation web site.

... just saying.....

My point exactly but I was done getting into a "tit for tat" conversation.

I guess it comes from my black and white wiring. Either allow something or don't. Personally, I like having the link as it is of interest to me. Not that I am going to do it, but I am always looking for new things, not just wine or alcohol related. Heck, I may be making quilts next week for all I know.

Again, my opinion only, as it isn't my site.
Personally, I like having the link as it is of interest to me. Not that I am going to do it, but I am always looking for new things, not just wine or alcohol related. Heck, I may be making quilts next week for all I know.

DJ, I appreciate your input and everything, but, please: This is a NO-QUILTING site!!! We are not even supposed to discuss knitting here, let alone quilting.

:) :)
So not to get too far into "this" issue.

I am amazed that for "this" to be a not-to-be-talked-about issue on here, that there is a link to a Home Distilling Forum on this Forum.

Also, if "this" is illegal, as I presume it is, a) why is there a link on this site to one about "it" and b) are all those people over there committing a crime by making "it", selling equipment for "it", etc.?

Yep, this forum does not allow discussion of "it," although the discussion of "it" is legal in the United States under the First Amendment to the Constitution. I refrain from discussing "it" (not that I am that interested in the first place) here because of the forum rule. I am a moderator on other forums and each has its own rules, and the rules are the rules. However, that said, simply Googling "it" will give anyone a wide array of places to discuss "it."

Were there to be open discussion of "it" here, that could entice other members to try an illegal activity. That's not an acceptable result.

We should be clear that there is no "presumption" about U.S. legality. The practice of "it" is illegal in the United States unless the proper paperwork is in place and the proper taxes and fees are paid – federal, state and local. There are also inspection and approved labeling processes to follow. In my region of the country, there are people arrested all the time for "it," no matter the scale of "it." People practicing "it" in small quantities at home have been hauled in on the same felony charges as a huge distributor of "it" would be.

Personally, I stay clear. If I can make 20% wine (40 proof), which I have, that's close enough and legal.
is it safe to come out of hiding yet? mouse3.gif I would not worry about that site

, only thing down there in the basement is cob webs,,

that site is dieing a slow painful death
Yeah, I get that, hence the use of "this" and "it" and not the word distilling, I was simply asking a question about some logistics.

Again, odd that Forum is even listed on here in the first place.

I guess that makes some sense since thier discussions are going on where it is legal.

Are we talking about?


A little garage project.

NICE piece of art.
