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Nov 22, 2006
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I am getting ready to buy a Port kit. What are your thoughts on homebrewed Port wine?
I also want to start an Ice Wine kit. What are you thoughts on the Ice Wine kits?
The Ice wine I am definately intrested in.. We are doing aour wine tour this weekend coming up and I will be tasting some...Hopefully they have a kit for those..
All I will say is that I sell a lot of both and that I think these kits offer the best value of any of the wine kits I sell.
I have never tried one of these kits, but I am a big fan of good port wine.

It is difficult for me to imagine a kit having the same quality taste as a port that has aged the length of my lifetime.
I just bottled my Ice Wine and I am a huge fan. It is very, very sweet. I am sad that I am giving half of them away for Christmas 8O),
For me, it took about 90 days to get into the bottle. The instructions said I could do it much faster (30 days), but I bulk aged 50 days (5 in primary <rack>, 15 in secondary <stir, fine, stabalize, do not rack>, 20 for clearing <rack>, 50 for bulk aging <rack, filter, bottle>). Edited by: Coaster
Cellar Craft has an orange muscat kit in their dessert wine lineup. I've tried it, and it is quite nice, but not a true muscat dessert wine. Muscat dessert wines are one of my favorites!

Next harvest, I think I'm going to try my hand at Muscat from fresh juice. If I can get enough, maybe even try to do a Moscato (light italian sparkling wine).
The Ice Wine is started. I mixed this morning and added the yeast this afternoon after it cooled. I also bought the Port. I am will start it after the Ice Wine is bottled. I cannot wait to see how these turn out. My Pinot Grigio is getting close to finishing fermentation. I hate waiting!!!
You should really wait 24 hours after mixing before pitching yeast to
let all the k-meta dicipate. You might have a problem getting the yeast
stated this way. It can kill yeast .
I hope you are wrong. I have done this with other kits with no problems. Time will tell. Thanks for the information.
I hope for your sake I am to. What are the instructions on the kit. I'm
sure they must say to wait a day before pitching yeast. If not what
brand are you using.
It is a Winexpert Selection Special Series Premium Wine kit. The directions say to make sure the temperature is between 65 and 75 degrees. I cannot find any where about waiting an amount of time. The juice set for about 14 hours cooling before I added the yeast. This is why I love this forum.You live and learn. Next time I will wait. It cannot hurt.
You are following the directions for this kit correctly as is. Some kits and virtually all fruit winesadd K-Meta at the beginning to sterilize the juice and kill off wild yeasts. The kit you are using and many of the Wine Expert kits only add bentonite at the first stage and tell you to pitch the yeast as soon as the temp is between 65 and 75. I have never had one of them fail to start active fermentation within 24 hours if the temp is correct. Keep up the good work, keep it sterile andy you will be swimming in tasty wine soon.
Goldwinger, I've done several WE kits and all instructions are to get the temp right and pitch the yeast (Step 1-bentonite,juice,water,oak,yeast). Meta, sorbate and other fining agents are added after the 2nd racking(Step 3).

All the kits I have done have had the same basic instructions. Of course, I always read them in French, don't you?

You don't wait with any wine kit as there is no concern with wild yeast as they have already sulfited it. You wait with a fresh fruit wine to allow the sulfites to kill the wild yeast, then add your own yeast. Always follow the instructions that come with your wine kit and you will be fine.
I apoligize for the concern. Its been awhile since I've done a kit and
its just become habit to wait this amount of time as fruit wines you
add the k-meta at mixing.