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NO NO NO........ Appleman is right, you can't taunt us like that.........

Just post your address and we'll......... well, some of us will be happy

Welcome to the forum!
Welcome BeachDragonBond, This is a very friendly and growing forum and were glad to have you. Please tell us about yourself and your experiences.
Welcome Aboard, Beach Dragon!

But be careful with Appleman -- he's knows a lot about vinyards, orchards and such and is happy to share that knowledge -- but treat him carefully and don't get him riled!
He occasionally posts about the "varmints" out in his crops -- here's a picture of him behind his house....


Now thats relaxing!
Insert Waldos hilarious laugh here! ______________________________!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright now OilnH20, where did you get that picture? I thought I had burned all of them!

That is a nice hottub though, I wish that was me in there
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I've been seriously drinking wine for about 4 years now. My fiance and I were introduced to greatat the Stratosphere restaurant in Vegas...

We keep a log (notice the little book I hold) of each wine I drink, the qualities, value, and details like that. I'm a scientist by trade, so I come by my nerdiness by training.

Those pictures were from our visit to Napa and Sonoma last year. We're going agin in March.

I really like wine, and we taste at local events twice a week, and host three or four big events a year!

I tell folks that wine tasting is like a dog show. You may not like beagles (chardonnay), but that is an excellent beagle. See my point? If it gets too serious, it's not for me. It's wine for crying out loud.

We live in N.E. Florida, so our local growing options are limited to Scupadine and Muscadine....good for eatin, not for brewin.

We're into two kits now (posted on the wine kit forum). Investigating juices.

Here's some more of us. And yes, I did take her to the French Laundry for lunch. I sat next to Mary Hart (she has great legs and we giggled and sang the Entertainment these song the whole trip). Lunch with wine cost $650.

Beautiful lady you have there. You keep a log on every wine you taste. It must dwarf Santa's Christmas list!
Welcome Beach... I think you are going to like it here. Thanks for the pictures, they are great. jh
Hey BeachDragon..Come here buddy..lets me and you take a little walk down by the seashore. Now listen podner, we shore do welcome you to our forum and look forward to you sharing your expertise and experiences with all of us but gosh dangit man I just cant hardly tolerate anyone a coming down on them there scups and muscydines. hell, them's sacred fruits man. I know ya didnt mean no harm and obviously you have never had a really good muscidine wine or your yard would be a looking like them Napa valley pictures with Muscadine vines. I'll forgive ya this time beins you a newbie and all that
There once was a grape called muscadine
whose juice was the sweetest you've seen

it had sugar like cake
and made your head ache

but it kept your kidneys quite clean.