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I am deeply humbled.


It took me all afternoon to get these pictures on the forum. First picture is my storage area. Second picture is my work area (that's where I spill everything) and the third picture(not related to wine making,just a goodshot)is of my cute, sweet wife and one of her "special" students who just couldn't go on and had to take a power nap. I've learned a lot today and hope I have many pictures to follow.

Very nice wine room and work area, Bet you spend alot of time there
Edited by: rgecaprock

I have a great basement to work in. Stays about 65 degrees avg year round. That's not ideal but it is about as good as you can do in south Alabama.
Great pictures James and it is awesome to havea dedicated space to make and store your wines. Those of us that do are truly blessed!
Great James, This year I will have one of those to. I just priced how
much to have my basement done. $6,200.00 to not have to worry about
water any more. Yea thats alot of money but then I can gain another 800
sq ft out of my house. I am going to finish 80% of it. 1/2 of it will
be our temporary bedroom and the other 1/2 will be THE WINEROOM!!! My
daughter will get our bedroom and my son will get her old bedroom. In a
year or two I will be putting an addition to the back for our new
bedroom and that half basement will be my computer room. I cant wait to
really have a basement.
Nice storage area, we are going to start working on a section of our basement for wine storage this spring.

Here are a couple of pictures, not the best wine making day for me

my drill mount mixer broke on my first mixing this afternoon, had to finish mixing by hand. The wine is a Bolero California Cabernet Sauvignon kit I received for Christmas.


And after a lot of mixing by hand:
How do you know when you really have a problem with addiction to making all things fermented?

When your dedicated fermentation room in the basement looks like this!

Left side of room:


Right side of Room:


Yup I got it bad and love every minute of it!!
Edited by: masta
Looks great down there Masta.....Awhile back I was going through some Posts I missed last summer and saw your wine bottle storage area...that was aweaome...the nicest I have seen...You do a fantastic job of everything you do...
Thanks NW and I really need to bottle most of this stuff quickly enough so I get the cellar close to full and take some more shots!
You asked for it......


The ugly mug is mine. The truck is "Old Blue"- a 59 Power Wagon that I restored and sold to a collector in California a couple years ago.
I bet that Power Wagon was unstoppable. I love the style those old trucks have.
masta said:
Thanks NW and I really need to bottle most of this stuff quickly enough so I get the cellar close to full and take some more shots!

Please Post another photo of your wine cellar when you get it full again...a lovely site to see....