My Personal Goal

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Well I have finally come to the conclusion that I need to lose some weight. After putting this off for quite some time its time I do this. I just needed somewhere to keep track of how im doingwith thisso I decided to do it here. Currently I am 5'8" and 225 lbs. Too much for me. So its diet time, every monday I will post a updated weight total to help me stay on track. I have terrible eating and lifestyle habits so all that will stop and we begin changing today.

Way to go.
I hope your progress goes well. Feel free to PM me as a resource - I'm a personal trainer.
- Jim
The secret of losing weight is NOT going on a diet, but decreasing the amount of food you eat and increase activity. If you need help then by all means there is Jenny Craig, weight watchers ect. Use a smaller plate, and allways leave a bit of food. When you lose a pound or five reward your self, but not with food. While my wife loses 25 pounds on her diet, than gains 30 back, I have lost 15 pounds in the last 2 years and can easly keep it off. Good luck and if you need some support all you have to do is ask. I see so many of my friends my age and younger needing knee or hip replacement simply because they kept stuffing their pie hole. A slim & trim Tomy 5'5" 143 lb
Take a look at this Scubaman .

When planning you calorie intake you'll have to factor that bottle of Red Zin in also.
Many have tried, and many have failed ..... also many have succeeded.
Good luck on your test of will !

A year or so ago I was "loosing it".
I was upper 50's, 5' 11", and getting lazy.
Over the years I had seen my weight climb from the lower 160's to the upper 180's.
I was not getting around as good as I knew I should be, and my blue jeans just kept getting harder to get into ...
I went from 32 x 32 to 32 x 33, then 32 x 34.
One day the scale said 190, and the size 34 pants were very snug.

So I decided to do something about it, or try .... before it effected my health.

I succeeded.
I now wear 32 x 32 jeans again, and my weight is between 161 and 165.
The spare tire ..... is GONE!
I now can eat about anything I want, and as much ( within reason )

Every plan does not work for every person.
I read a book, or at least part of it.
It spoke about how your body uses energy, etc, and leadme down a path of reasoning.
From that reasoning I developed a eating habit change.
It was difficult at first, now it is easy .... and I feel so much healthier!

The bottom line of what I did was this:
Eat nothing but fruit until noon.
Then eat what you like, in moderation.
It's that simple ..... of course you also must do the obvious:
WHILE YOU ARE TRYING TO LOOSE THE WEIGHT ..... eat up your supplyand then stop buying and stay away from all the bad guys .....
you know what the are.... candy, soda pop, twinkies, cake, etc ....

I settled in with every morning having a full glass of fresh squeezed orange juice ( 8 -12 oz ), and a handfull ( 8 -12 ) of pitted whole dates.
If I am still hungry, I can have any and as much FRUIT as I want.
When noon comes, have a regular mean .... trynot toovereat.
Same for the evening meal.

This is how I did it.
I have reached my goal and easily maintain it now.
My first food of the day is almost always OJ and dates.
Then I eat what I want, and yep.... I'm back into the chocolate with no problem.
Once the weight is gone, old habits can return ..... in moderation!

I must also say that I use an eliptical trainer and small home gym.
They also helped to burn the calories and tone the muscles.
Again, once a routine run thru 2 or 3 times a week is established, it is easy.

So if I can help by giving the name of the book, or any other info... feel free to ask.

It is a personal battle, but you have allies!

ps .... coffee is bad, one of he worse things you can do to your stomach in the morning.
Well, my personal philosophy has alwways been that the only way you can really tell if a man is on the level is if his bubble is in the middle.......and that all I got to say about that !!!!

You are where I was this time last year.
I know how you feel and what you are going through. There are a few things I'd like to offer as advice.

1. Don't try to do it all at once. It took me a year to lose 30lb. That's less than 1lb a week but I'm told that the slower it comes off, the more likely it is to stay off.

2. Don't beat yourself up when you screw up. I probably fell of the road once every couple of weeks.But if you pick yourself back up again and start over, the odd sin here or there doesn't change the outcome.

3. Of course you are going to have to drop the calorie intake. But up the calorie outtake too. Daily exercise is a must. first, it adds to the expenditure, second, it keeps muscle mass and third it helps with bone density. When you drop calorie intake you also drop vitamin and mineral intake along with it.

I found that counting calories works for me. Allowed me to factor in my wine intake (for the vitamins and minerals of course).

Good luck!

"It is a far, far better thing that you do..."
Good luck on your personal goal Scuba. Will be looking forward to your updates.
Thanks guys for all the help and support. I knew this was coming but just keep putting it off. I stopped this now becuase of this diet but I used to eat fast food 5-9 times per week. I would go through 1-2 2 liters of pepsi per week as well. Finally it stops. I have even less room to talk because I work at the local YMCA :). I started working out today and will keep with it.

Scuba, 2 years ago I said the same thing as i was 215 lbs. at 5'10" and made it all the way down to 168 lbs. and kept it off for 1 1/2 years and then started slacking and am now 195 lbs. Part of this is due to quitting smoking and eating to occupy some time but started my diet Monday so well work together. My main problem is a little bit of junk food like you but most of it is eating at night. Do not drink soda as that is 1 of the worst things for weight gain unless you drink diet. Cut down on all sugar, this will help big time.
Good luck man !

i always have to look at food as energy, that way I can figure out what I put in as to what I spend in moving around.

If you take in more energy then you use, then over the course of a month, think of the added energy just being stored for use.

but then again, when you burn more fuel then you add to the system, then the system seeks it's reserves.

here is a CRAZY bit of info!

ONE and I repeat ONE chocolate chip gives the average person enough energy to walk 150 feet !!!!

so imagine how far a cookie goes ????

Have fun with it man, if you can't do something with a smile, whats the point.Edited by: zember311
The fastest way to look small is go to a highlands game. At 6' 2" and 280 lbs I am a monster compared to the people I work with, but when I compete in the highland games I am the little one.
Im chetaing as I have so much work to do in my basement that it takes up alot of my time instaed of sitting around after work.