Merry Christmas!

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Dan, thats good you made toilet bowl cleaner because something tells me you are the one on Santa's sh!t list!!!! LOL
Hi Santa,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Glad to see you popped in to see us. And I know I can't be on your naughtly list even though I make Candy Cane wine. :h
Damn a lot of us have been sent to the corner. I can even tell you which brick to pull out to find the secret stash there.

Oh yeah; Dear Santa, when you stop by would you please transfer the clothes from the washer to the dryer and empty the dishwasher. There is a glass of Merlot sitting on the table for you.

ps. let the dogs out while you're enjoying the Merlot.

Enjoy your joyney and don't let the reindeer crap on my roof

Santa, been meanin to ask you. How did the reindeer do on the watering trough full of wine last year? As usual I am on the naughty list. The 3 year old grandkids are on the nice list more or less. (Depends on the day or hour.) Make this one of your last stops, Kathy is on the nice list as always, the door is open to the basement and you can have your way with the wine. Arne.
P.S. Dan doesn't want the reindeer crap, you can leave it here, my garden needs fertilizer. A.
I just got back inside after the morning rounds checking out everything here at the North Pole.

The reindeer have been getting more and more anxious to get on with the trip. They are behaving like a bunch of college kids anticipating spring break! Arne, now I think I understand why! I'm going to have to keep an eye out at all you winemakers homes.

The elves have been working overtime this year. It seems the nice list keeps growing, but there are always a few on the naughty list. I had to install a new Series 2200 space distortion device to help fit all the extra toys in the ole sack this year. Dan, don't even go there! I see what you are thinking!

All for now, gotta go snuggle up with Mrs Claus.
Why Santa drinks red wine?

I am so stealing this. Merry Christmas everyone.

Santa, I'm curious if you do what I do when I'm out of town. When you are out and about on Christmas eve, do you leave Mrs. Claus with a box wine so she doesn't raid the cellar and drink the good stuff?
Wow! Santa on this board. I've tried to be a good boy this year so if you would give me a new president, I'd greatly appreciate it; maybe someone a little on the more conservative side. :D
Ho Terry, that is very quick of you!!!!!

Dan you won't have to worry about any raindeer droppings because sadly I won't be stopping at your house this year. You have been on my naughty list!

Ho Terry, that is very quick of you!!!!!

Dan you won't have to worry about any raindeer droppings because sadly I won't be stopping at your house this year. You have been on my naughty list!


I'm thinking Terry is badder then anyone else is thinking. She may be new, but i'm thinking she's bad! Me on the other hand has been very good at being bad (is that ok). Dear Santa....oh can I tell you stories about Julie. Wade, he's been Opie trying to catch that one fish. Rich is retorting back to his apple days, trying to mae cider out of grapes and Tom, well he's trading wine for......oh never mind just don't let Mrs Clause in NJ.
Oh see how you are!!!!!!!! Right away you want to throw everyone else under the bus!!!!!!!
Santa, I have been studying my wine making oh so much! I know I'm new, but please, can I have eight six gallon carboys, an all-in-one-wine-pump, and at least twenty different new wine kits/fresh grape juice with skins? This should keep me busy until at least June:i I promise to let the wine age appropriately and share with my friends and loved ones when the wine is right.
Oh but we do ever since Julie sat up that new trail cam in your windows. Hopefully she'll get it back and wrapped before Christmas. I think it was meant to be a gift for Mike. Wait till he looks at all the pictures that are now preloaded on the memory card with the girl from down the street! :)

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