WineXpert Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Jan 31, 2007
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Hi all,
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Newbie post, newbie question, newbie to the forum: boy and I feel dumb, I’m embarrassed even to admit what I did here but anyways here goes.
<H1 style="MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt">I’ve been lurking for awhile but now have a problem/question??</H1>

It concerns my Gewurztraminer Wine Expert in primary, well now it’s in secondary. This is only my third attempt at winemaking but I’m already hooked.

Last night when I transferred to the secondary that’s when it happened. I’ve had the Gewurztraminer in primary for 7 days and the SG went to 1.006. I prepped everything and all was going well until…….As I’m watching the juice drain into the carboy to my amazement there floating on the top of the juice going round and round and round as was the itsy bitsy spider. About the size of a dime all stretched out.

At first I thought he had crawled into my primary sometime during the first 7 days because I only covered it loosely with a clean cloth. However, he showed up at the very beginning of the transfer in the bottom of the carboy and because he was still floating and not completely saturated I’m thinking he was in the carboy before I started. And yes, I did rinse out the carboy with K Meta before beginning. The carboy was clean already so I only gave it a swish with the K Meta and let it sit for several minutes then flushed with water. The solution is clear and I’m thinking he was killed by the K Meta but stuck to the side of the carboy and I didn’t get him flushed out before beginning the transfer.. At any rate I continued to fill the carboy to the top because I couldn’t get him out without him getting closer to the top of my jug. Then I sucked him out with a clean cooking baster. Now do I feel stupid?

My bottom line question is…… I need to trash the entire batch or can I simply rename it……..Spider Wine????

Awesome story...Thanks for that as I needed it today !

I know you are concerned but I wouldn't give it another thought. Between the K-meta and the alcohol I am sure the wine will be fine. Years ago I read an article about the amount of foreign objects that end up in grapes that are harvested in a vineyard and it was quite amazing since it included various animals and insects.

BTW: Welcome to the forum and Happy Birthday!
Thanks for the welcome masta,

I kinda figured it would be okay but you never know.....just hope he didn't drink to much before he kicked the bucket......I'm goin to need to top up at some point down the road

does a drunken spider wobble when it walks or can it maintain balance better with all those legs?

I agree to ignore it and think you should play on the idea of Spider Wine. I already have visuals of how the label would look!

And to echo masta... welcome and happy birthday!!
Howdy EastCoast. Welcome to the never dull experience of wine making. Whenever you pour a glass of this wine from this batchand you are watching the "legs" run down the sides, it will remind you the batch already had eight in it!
I just wonder what type of web it would weave if it still could!
The webs\ are awesome sang! Welcome EastCoast. We like pictures here and that would be a real nice 1!

I bet you could incorporate that story into a nice label for this wine,
just dont tell anyone about it! Or better yet tell everyone and no one
will ever mooch a bottle off you again!
sangwitch said:
that reminds me of a study they once did on spiders and drugs where they gave various drugs to spiders and then examined the webs. Here's a link to some of the pics

Interesting study web spun while under the influence of wine...but some nifty pictures...sure will look good on a label for that wine that's fermenting.
Yea, it's funny how the caffeine web is one of the most screwed webs.

Here's a pic of a drunk spider. A little photoshop and those beers can be wine.

You guys are too funny !!!

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Great story on the webs sangwitch and spiderman looks like he had one to many

I'm getting lots of good ideas about a label here but I think wade is right ....might not want to tell too many people about it or I'll have to drink all the wine myself.

now that would be a shame

With a nanno needle i guess

And in the future, please be much more cautious when you Arachnidyour wine .Edited by: scotty
Now, I've heard of everything! Spiders on drugs! Welcom EastCoast! Edited by: jsmahoney