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Oct 20, 2010
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Hi my name's Luke. I'm pretty new to winemaking. I've only started this summer. So far I have made a raspberry mead, and some concord grape wine. I still have a lot to learn so I hope people can answer some of my questions from time to time!
Welcome to the forum! Lots of good advice here. How did the raspberry mead turn out? I started my first mead today (cyser) and am really excited about it.
Welcome to a great place to get information. These guys (and Gals) are super and they are very hlpfull!:db
Welcome Luke, my Raspberry mead took best in Ct. this year. What was your recipe?
Thanks for all the welcomes. I actually got interested in winemaking from reading a book on wild fermentation. My mead turned out pretty well. I believe I added 4 cups of honey to about 3/4 gallon of water and just a few small things of fresh raspberries. The book I was reading was all about natural fermentation so I didn't know all about the different kinds of yeast and sg and all that. I just let it ferment using wild yeast from the air and from the raspberries