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Aug 23, 2006
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Thought I'd finally join the forum. I've been coming here for a while, reading what y'all have to say and picking up lots of good info. guess it's time to make myself known. I've been making kit wines for a couple of years with pretty fair success. I finally got brave last week and started a 5 gallon batch of blueberry wine from berrys I bought at the produce stand and a recipe I got off of the internet. Racked it this afternoon from the fermenting vat to a carboy to let it finish fermenting. I'm anxious to see how my little experiment comes out. I'll keep y'all posted and any help from you good people will be great.
Hey Snoozer... welcome to the forum. Got any pics from the blueberry batch?
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here. Looking forward to getting to know you and your wines!
Hi Snoozer!

Glad to have you aboard!

Welcome snoozer,
Have patience with the blueberry. The one I made last fall took three monthsto finish fermenting and a couple more months to clear, but boy was it good. It retained a lot of the blueberry essence and had a delightful flavor.
Hello Snoozer: Welcome. I tried some blueberry last year, and it turned out delightful....
Great to see ya come out of the shadows. I just racked a gallon batch of blueberry melomel last night. It smells great. I love all things berry.


Hope mine turns out that good. As for patience, as hard as it is to just wait sometimes, one thing making wine does teach you is patience.