Hello from Powder Springs, Georgia

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Aug 8, 2011
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I am a Newbe to kit wine makng and just completed my first kit. I made the WE Sel. Org Liebfraumilch and stored it yesterday. I will see in about 6 mo. how it tastes. I am starting an Island Mist tonight and will see how that come out. I am having fun and with my life experiences I can relate to a lot about wine making.

Sounds like you have started well. If you have any questions or comments, let us now.
Welcome it gets more fun when you get to do one from a recipe don't forget to ask questions we all do it no matter how much experience we have
Welcome! wine making is indeed an enjoyable hobby....so say my friends and relatives.... I make it.... they enjoy it. oh well.....
Welcome to the party!
Thanks for all the welcomes. I am just finishing up my IM White Cranberry Pinot Gris waiting for the final 5" to clear then bottle. I will post my other questions to the appropriate forum.
Hi All,
I'm returning to winemaking after about an 8 year break. My wife and I were sitting down to dinner and she showed me an U-pick ad for wine grapes, I read it and set it aside and didn't think much about it. A few days later down in the basement I looked at my my equipment and thought `I should use it or put it up on Craig's list`. That very night my wife asked if I "wanted to keep the ad or should I pitch-it"? I told her to save it and I would call later. Later came, I called, and we ended up picking far more grapes than I was aiming for. With 3 people picking the buckets add up. I ended up with
44 gallons of must split into two batches, hope it turns out.

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