hello from northern ireland

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Mar 20, 2012
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Hey one and all.. Im moo and i have just started making wine this past 6 weeks. A friend coaxed me into trying it and so far ive completed a kit and have some elderflower from a cordial clearing and 2 demijohns with a 2 different red grape juice recipes bubbling away. Sorry if i get some terminology wrong but i am from across the pond and new to this!
Welcome ti the forum! !! Good group of guys here with great information. I must caution you tough. I call them " the pushers" as they will turn you into a junky (get you totaly hooked) ;)
Greetings Moo and welcome to the forum here. I look forward to seeing your postings and getting to know you better.

Hey, it's spring here in North Carolina!

March 20-2012-90-1.jpg
Welcome to the forum. Have fun with your new hobby. If we can be of help, be sure to ask.
Thanks for the welcome guys! Yes i may enjoy the odd stereotypical guiness but my wife appreciates this new hobby very much ;)
At the moment i have 2 slightly different red grape juice recipes on the go. The first was
4ltrs pure juice
10oz sugar (in half litre of water)
Tsp of citric acid
Tsp of nutrient
Tsp of yeast

The second called for
3ltrs pure juice
8-12oz sugar (in half litre depending on taste)
Tsp of nutrient
Tsp of citric
Half tsp tartaric
Half tsp pectolase
Half tsp tannin
Tsp yeast
Top up with another litre of juice on day 3or 4 after violent fermentation.. So as not to foam thru airlock.

Got these recipes frim a friend but have since seen them dotted about net so dont really know their origins
